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> Barefoot girls in Manchester, walking videos
Posted: May 3 2022, 08:28 PM
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wow, that one is amazing!! thanks Mike123
i agree, its a shame and frustrating a little bit that the filmer doesnt care and dont focus on them sad.gif
we need to send "Hal Heaven" to the UK, he has not only the gear, but most and foremost he also does have the guts to ask them girls for closeups biggrin.gif dont you agree?

also the same girls are visible aound11:30 in the background, already barefoot :-)
PMEmail Poster
Posted: May 4 2022, 09:49 AM
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Great idea Shifter to send Hal to Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham and London on a month long barerfoot girl tour of the UK.

Also, Shifter, Maverick et al, you really need to check this guy out. He does twice weekly films of Manchester nightlife - posted Tuesdays and Thursdays - and rare is the episode without a barefoot girl or two.

Subscribe and lobby him to focus on the shoeless girls of late night Manchester. An utter joy, barefoot girl Heaven. There's already a few of us who praise him for capturing barefoot girls and he seems to be taking the hint without getting creepy about it.

There are walking nightlife films from other European cities but I don't think anyone does it quite like British girls. We're spoilt on our cold wet island, I think.


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Posted: May 4 2022, 07:31 PM
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thank you so much mike123, i have subscribed to him and cant wait to watch some of his videos and leave some nice comments!!
keep our finges crossed we can give him some directions that will show benefits in his future filming wink.gif

in terms of nightlife and outfits, i think its now proven that you are all crazy on that island, haha.. i´m just joking mate,
its really impressive because its so different from where i live
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Posted: May 5 2022, 09:09 PM
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Posted: May 6 2022, 09:09 AM
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Exactly, so many of his films deliver this kind of thing but, I concede, this is total gold. We must tell him he's doing a great job.
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Posted: May 16 2022, 03:59 PM
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Now here's an interesting thing. Thus guy, Walk Me Now also does night time walking videos from Manchester but his product has been pretty ropey over the months; too dark, poor definition, walks too quickly and films empty streets rather than ineresting people. But, I guess kind of by accident, he's come up with a decent clip this time. Check this out from about 4 mins 26 secs onwards. Frustratingly just as he gets really close he walks straight by and fails to turn around to capture more.

We need Hal on the job. Come on Hal, it's not far across the North Sea. I know they're not hippie girls which you seem to like but think how happy you'd make us all.

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Posted: May 18 2022, 03:08 PM
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This latest update, guys, is pure gold.

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Posted: May 25 2022, 11:11 PM
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wow, these are really amazing, thanks for posting these.
i did not have time to watch any of the other ones yet, but i really expect some good sights for now, hehe :-) cheers!
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Posted: Jun 7 2022, 05:20 PM
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Not wanting this thread to die:

I think this guy makes the most frustrating videos! From 10:30 onward there are various barefoot girls but none are focused on!

And this guy has put some pretty consistent videos out lately. Two premiers tonight of the Jubilee weekend. My expectations are high!

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Posted: Jun 7 2022, 09:16 PM
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-> i have watched this one but there is only one very short sequence of barefoot girl at 4:30
in later parts of the videos, most girls carrying their high-heels in their hands are wearing flip-flops sad.gif
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Posted: Jun 9 2022, 11:40 AM
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You're right Maverik, all these walking guys are so frustrating to watch because none of them is one of us. We see a barefoot girl who cries out to be followed and focussed on and they wheel away to film something else.

That said, I think Manchester Street Snaps is still the best; at least he does linger for a while on any barefoot girls, he seems to spot alot of them and he looks down rather than at the sky when filming. he generally delivers every week. S Travels 4K also has some great stuff but he's less attuned to our heroines than Snappy is.

I've posted some stuff here from London walkers too and here are another couple of examples. Check out 3.20 to 3.40. I recently learned that the filmer here is a woman so she's unliley to give us much stuff deliberately though she delivered brilliantly on the Irish Traveller film and to some extent here. Though again, with the film below she reaches our girls but fails to look down.

Another here from a filmer who has, again, delivered in the past. Check out the last few moments following the woman in the red dress headinf barefoot into Tottenham Court Road tube station. We get the last 29 seconds of the film following her. I WISH we could have followed her down into the tube too, though.

It takes time and patience trawling through all these films but for me, the reward of finding real candid barefoot girl material is worth it.

Enjoy and do post any good finds.


PMEmail Poster
Posted: Jun 9 2022, 01:33 PM
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Thanks Shifter and Mike. I'm enjoying our shared enthusiasm for these videos.

I'm in Liverpool for a stag do this weekend and I'm hoping to see many barefoot women! I will report back on Monday!
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Posted: Jun 9 2022, 07:27 PM
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QUOTE (Maverick @ Jun 9 2022, 01:33 PM)
Thanks Shifter and Mike. I'm enjoying our shared enthusiasm for these videos.

I'm in Liverpool for a stag do this weekend and I'm hoping to see many barefoot women! I will report back on Monday!

Concert square and Matthew st are the big ones, but they get tasty after about 1am if ya know what I mean. But you will 101% see at least ten barefoot girls on the night. Guaranteed.

Clubs don't allow barefoot dancing but that hasn't stopped some ladies. The dirt from just five minutes of bump and grind, with god knows what shite adhering to those sticky floors is fucking indescribable biggrin.gif Outside is where it's at though. No doubt.

That said, for every barefoot girl stumbling with heels in hand and sporting luscious pitch-black soles there are about five brawls - usually coked up / roided natives vs pissed stag dos from Chester or north wales or various parts of Lancashire.

Albert Docks you get the least trouble but also the least barefoot women. Plus its expensive AF. You'll pay about ten quid for a cocktail in some places there!

Kebab places (especially bold st and slater st) are fucking gold. The floors are coated in grime, and it's even possible to see dirty footprints, which is fucking ace! If you can't get a a few sighters there then consider yourself extremely unlucky.

Again though, kebab places get punchy when the clubs throw out. Especially in Liverpool.

Amazed I survived my student days there biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif I felt 18 again just typing all that.

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Posted: Jun 10 2022, 04:32 PM
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Brilliant guidance and descriptions Duffman and Maverik, you MUST git your camera phone out and get some captures. And post them. Here smile.gif
PS just arrived in a rural town in the north east to find quite a posh girl meeting her two friends off the London train who was barefoot. Clearly had driven there sans shoes and was helping them load their luggage into the boot. Welcome to The North
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Posted: Jun 13 2022, 09:49 AM
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So, I got back from Liverpool yesterday. I had a few sightings but not as many as I would have liked. There were so many flip flops everywhere.

Unfortunately I was unable to get any footage. It's hard to get your phone out to film subtly when you're with a group of mates! It's also hard to find an excuse to wander off and go searching.

PMEmail Poster
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