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> Latest Model Larisa, Fantastic
Posted: Nov 4 2022, 01:10 AM
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Posts: 467
Member No.: 2434
Joined: 2-January 12

Congratulations to Paul for the latest in an all too rare series of more mature models.
The Larisa shoot ticks so many boxes.
1. we see her leave from home
2. she's at least 35, lets' hope older
3. she has jeans on
4. she has painted toenails and fingernails
5. she wears full makeup
6. she walks barefoot with such a clear sense of purpose - not going out for some aimless barefoot 'stroll'
7. she engages minimally with the camera
8. she is completely unselconscious about being barefoot - but neither is it a 'thing' for her, she doesn't stop to display dirty soles and such like (though of course we get dirty sole shots)

So, as close to perfect as i've seen for a good while. I do so hope she goes on a crowded Metro or into a busy store.

Well done Paul.


PS. Now we just need night shoots
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