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City-feet members' message board > Your desires on our content > Interaction with passers by

Posted by: DG2001 Sep 28 2021, 03:24 PM

Being this a "desires" section, well, I'll say that I would love more interaction between our barefoot heroine and people around. It's great when people turn their heads to see in astonishment that this beautiful girl is barefoot (and followed by our invisible cameraman, let's remember that), but besides it I'd love if the girl would speak with people, total strangers or even friends of her, show them her feet, her dirty soles, even let people assess her soles, see how dirty they are and how tough they feel to the touch. People who shows curiosity about the barefoot girl and her bare feet.

I love when the girl goes barefoot in a crowd: inside a bus or metro, inside a supermarket, etc. in contrast with walking in a "deserted" city. I guess some filming must be done very early in the morning in not frequented streets, as it is truly amazing when in some videos the girl walks everywhere and there's no one around, specially in cold weather.

And, besides desires, I would like to show my appreciation and admiration to the "invisible camera man". We might thing that the girl is alone, walking barefoot everywhere, and that we are following her...when in reality there's someone provided with a camcorder and a still shot camera making simultaneously video and photo. I guess (and from the shadows too) that the camera and the camcorder are mounted in the same support, and Paul or his cameraman is following the girl everywhere, all the time, to make these high quality videos and photos Paul has gotten us used to. It would be interesting to think, from time to time, about all the love, passion and effort people as Paul, Hal and The Feetosopher put to make our dreams made true. Thanks guys!

Posted by: michael0218 Sep 28 2021, 10:17 PM
I tend to agree with you DG! Makes good sense to me.

Posted by: Feetosopher Sep 29 2021, 06:42 PM
QUOTE (DG2001 @ Sep 28 2021, 03:24 PM)
It would be interesting to think, from time to time, about all the love, passion and effort people as Paul, Hal and The Feetosopher put to make our dreams made true.  Thanks guys!

Thank you so much for these words, amigo.. you have just made my day! smile.gif
I am used to most forum members taking BUG and my posts for granted (of course leaving aside those guys that find that I am an asshole and that my stuff sucks, or those that have never acknowledged my presence here and/or the very existence of my sites). So whenever someone here takes a couple of minutes to just write "Cool stuff, Feetosopher!", "Thank you for sharing, dude!" or "Hey Feetosopher, are you OK?".. well, it warms my heart, and gives me the power to go ahead, in spite of my fading health. So muchas gracias de mi corazon, amigo! smile.gif

Posted by: Mike123 Sep 30 2021, 06:02 PM
OK, OK, you KNOW what I'm going to say about interaction with strangers but I'll register it anyway:
No, I don't want to see any contrived interaction with strangers. Any that takes place should be entirely natural like talking to a shop keeper or the bloke who sells you a railway ticket etc.

What I LOVE is that our barefoot heroines get NO attention from passers-by, that she is seen as doing something that women tend to do - that is what makes them so sexy, that they do stuff we fellas just don't do.

So, while he has to cater to all of us, I'd ask Paul to keep it real and keep contrivance to other channels.

I do agree that we should all give our thanks and praise to 'the invisible cameraman' who must, on occasion, feel anything but invisible. It's easy to take them for granted so well done (at least) DG2001 for reminding us of the good work these guys do.

One thing: I wonder whether any of our women speak any English? Be nice to hear them utter a few words in Bond Villain English. I've mentioned before, it'd be good to know the broad weather conditions on the day of the shoot - temperature and cloud cover - not in full Shipping Forecast detail you understand.

And finally, be good to know the models' ages too. Wonder how many are over 30?



Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 3 2021, 08:04 AM
I would be in favour of interaction between the models and passerbys, and I would also love the models to speak in the videos, preferably in English, or at least with English subtitles.
Sadly, as I have often written here, the attractiveness of City Feet models has become the weakest point of the site: no model that appeared on the site after Alla was attractive enough (for my tastes, of course) to convince me to join the site again. Ekaterina is just the last in a long streak of 18 disappointing models. Either Paul has become unable to hire good looking models, or he has deliberately switched to working with ordinary or ugly girls. In the latter case, I would not understand his move, but the fact that the site is still online suggests that it is a commercially viable strategy (which is surprising to me).

Posted by: TWRS1999 Oct 3 2021, 06:31 PM
The models as of the past few years have definitely been super plain. Not too many post 2016 models I go back to often

Posted by: mass helles Oct 3 2021, 10:29 PM
Interaction and replies from passers-by are cool.

(I'm more into chilly feet, so a few examples from this site)

== (Lilia)

~ 05:49

- Не зябко тебе, родная?
- Не-а

(male passer-by): aren't you cold a bit, sweetheart?
(Lilia): nope

== (Sveta)

~ 0:25, interacting with two girls

- Вам не холодно?
- Нет, хорошо. Чего не сделаешь ради искусства

(One of the girls): aren't you cold?
(Sveta): no, I'm fine. No limits to create some kind of skilled art

== (Margarita)

Talking with two workers

== (Olga)

~ 05:36, a granny with her grandson inspect her bare feet in the snow.

A comment from another passing-by granny:

- Надо же, какая. Босиком бегает

- Oh, what a girl. In her bare feet

Posted by: DG2001 Oct 4 2021, 09:24 PM
Great list mass helles, thanks for it and for the translation!

Posted by: Mike123 Oct 5 2021, 11:10 AM
I find that last comment most fascinating, the one from the 'passing granny' to Olga; 'what a girl!'.

This sugests some sort of admiration, that it's somehow something they wish they could emulate or have emulated when they were younger.

I find this very encouraging that there's something in the psyche of the Russian female that values being barefoot in extreme conditions so highly.

Of course, I could just have misunderstodd, but you see what I mean?


Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 5 2021, 09:25 PM
QUOTE (TWRS1999 @ Oct 3 2021, 07:31 PM)
The models as of the past few years have definitely been super plain. Not too many post 2016 models I go back to often

I am relieved that someone else here finds that most of the girls who appeared on the site over the last years are not exactly of outstanding beauty. Reading the comments by other forum members it seems that any model who appears on City Feet is automatically wonderful.

Posted by: TWRS1999 Oct 6 2021, 08:03 PM
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Oct 5 2021, 02:25 PM)
QUOTE (TWRS1999 @ Oct 3 2021, 07:31 PM)
The models as of the past few years have definitely been super plain. Not too many post 2016 models I go back to often

I am relieved that someone else here finds that most of the girls who appeared on the site over the last years are not exactly of outstanding beauty. Reading the comments by other forum members it seems that any model who appears on City Feet is automatically wonderful.

None of them look bad or anything, just not very memorable. A lot less badass women willing to climb over rocks in the hot sun, and a lot more cutesy girl next door types

Posted by: Duffman847 Oct 7 2021, 03:40 AM
Personally I'd like to know what was said between Anna and a woman in denim on the metro shoot.

user posted image

Can't tell whether they are having a positive or negative interaction, or if the woman is just warning her about being filmed.... or if they know each other in real life? Never seen an 'NPC' sweep down like that biggrin.gif

Posted by: Mike123 Oct 7 2021, 08:50 AM
Yes, interesting, I'd not clocked that before.

Also be interesting to know what the stall holder in the recent update from new model Ekaterina was saying: was she having a go at her for being barefoot, for not wanting to be filmed or was she admiring her for her free spirit etc etc?

Paul used to write little summaries of the shoots in the early days of CF but this is one instance where some commentary would be good.

As for the trend in recent models, as you know I find 'beautiful' models somehow lacking in eroticism (stragely perhaps, yes, I know) and love the way Paul has recently kept it real by having the models do everyday things with barely a look at the camera BUT the models do now seem less 'dangerous' somehow, less openly rebellious than in the early days.

I'd like to see a return of them - literally in some cases, to have models like Julia, Jenya, Masha et al to make a return, all now women in their 30s.

be great to have a shoot where our early heriones met up with friends, they being the only barefooter amongst their shod 30-something friends.

Make it happen Paul. Please.


Posted by: michael0218 Oct 7 2021, 12:07 PM
QUOTE (Mike123 @ Oct 7 2021, 08:50 AM)
Yes, interesting, I'd not clocked that before.

Also be interesting to know what the stall holder in the recent update from new model Ekaterina was saying: was she having a go at her for being barefoot, for not wanting to be filmed or was she admiring her for her free spirit etc etc?

Paul used to write little summaries of the shoots in the early days of CF but this is one instance where some commentary would be good.

As for the trend in recent models, as you know I find 'beautiful' models somehow lacking in eroticism (stragely perhaps, yes, I know) and love the way Paul has recently kept it real by having the models do everyday things with barely a look at the camera BUT the models do now seem less 'dangerous' somehow, less openly rebellious than in the early days.

I'd like to see a return of them - literally in some cases, to have models like Julia, Jenya, Masha et al to make a return, all now women in their 30s.

be great to have a shoot where our early heriones met up with friends, they being the only barefooter amongst their shod 30-something friends.

Make it happen Paul. Please.


A model that I would LOVE to see make a comeback is the one shown in the post up above....Anna..but I wouldn't hold out any hope for that. I have pm"ed and asked Paul if he would persuade Yana to do an no avail...and I know it's probably not his fault for that .Alyona is another one I've asked for, but Paul said that she wouldn't even answer his emails. I have been successful twice though...back a few years ago I asked Paul if he could possibly get the great Julia (yes, THAT one..with the yellow top and the black mini skirt...and he did...though it was years later with an older, less sexy Julia that time. The other one was one of the sexiest, sensual models (Sveta)...and her encore was one I'd like to forget it was done in cold, wet weather....and poor Sveta looked as miserable as could a shivering Eskimo.....soooo, I guess the saying "be careful what you ask for... cool.gif

Posted by: DG2001 Oct 7 2021, 11:49 PM
Some captures from a video of Margarita:

Posted by: michael0218 Oct 8 2021, 02:29 PM
Really, it would truly be a wonderful thing if Paul found a model of Anna's calibre...

Posted by: TWRS1999 Oct 8 2021, 06:38 PM
QUOTE (Mike123 @ Oct 7 2021, 01:50 AM)
Yes, interesting, I'd not clocked that before.

Also be interesting to know what the stall holder in the recent update from new model Ekaterina was saying: was she having a go at her for being barefoot, for not wanting to be filmed or was she admiring her for her free spirit etc etc?

Paul used to write little summaries of the shoots in the early days of CF but this is one instance where some commentary would be good.

As for the trend in recent models, as you know I find 'beautiful' models somehow lacking in eroticism (stragely perhaps, yes, I know) and love the way Paul has recently kept it real by having the models do everyday things with barely a look at the camera BUT the models do now seem less 'dangerous' somehow, less openly rebellious than in the early days.

I'd like to see a return of them - literally in some cases, to have models like Julia, Jenya, Masha et al to make a return, all now women in their 30s.

be great to have a shoot where our early heriones met up with friends, they being the only barefooter amongst their shod 30-something friends.

Make it happen Paul. Please.


On the subject of those old write ups. I really wish those would come back, good descriptions to see if I’d be interested in a video, and I liked how the episodes had a little more “plot” to them back when

Posted by: zessiss Oct 8 2021, 07:02 PM
QUOTE (michael0218 @ Oct 8 2021, 02:29 PM)
Really, it would truly be a wonderful thing if Paul found a model of Anna's calibre...

+1... got to agree with you totally. Anna classified as my personal best CF Model throughout all these years till to date.

Posted by: TWRS1999 Oct 8 2021, 08:38 PM
My favourite sadly isn’t on the site anymore

Posted by: michael0218 Oct 8 2021, 10:11 PM
QUOTE (TWRS1999 @ Oct 8 2021, 08:38 PM)
My favourite sadly isn’t on the site anymore

Would that be beautiful Masha by any chance?

Posted by: michael0218 Oct 8 2021, 10:14 PM
QUOTE (zessiss @ Oct 8 2021, 07:02 PM)
QUOTE (michael0218 @ Oct 8 2021, 02:29 PM)
Really, it would truly be a wonderful thing if Paul found a model of Anna's calibre...

+1... got to agree with you totally. Anna classified as my personal best CF Model throughout all these years till to date.

LOVE Anna...she's perfection! cool.gif

Posted by: TWRS1999 Oct 8 2021, 10:50 PM
QUOTE (michael0218 @ Oct 8 2021, 03:11 PM)
QUOTE (TWRS1999 @ Oct 8 2021, 08:38 PM)
My favourite sadly isn’t on the site anymore

Would that be beautiful Masha by any chance?


Posted by: michael0218 Oct 8 2021, 11:26 PM
QUOTE (TWRS1999 @ Oct 8 2021, 10:50 PM)
QUOTE (michael0218 @ Oct 8 2021, 03:11 PM)
QUOTE (TWRS1999 @ Oct 8 2021, 08:38 PM)
My favourite sadly isn’t on the site anymore

Would that be beautiful Masha by any chance?


Oh, it must be an earlier Olga...not the "Tiny Barefoot Girl" Olga.."whew"

Posted by: TWRS1999 Oct 8 2021, 11:36 PM
"Tender Barefoot Beauty"

Posted by: mwitt Oct 9 2021, 04:54 AM

Another interesting videoclip, but too much noise in the street

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 11 2021, 09:50 PM
QUOTE (TWRS1999 @ Oct 6 2021, 09:03 PM)
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Oct 5 2021, 02:25 PM)
QUOTE (TWRS1999 @ Oct 3 2021, 07:31 PM)
The models as of the past few years have definitely been super plain. Not too many post 2016 models I go back to often

I am relieved that someone else here finds that most of the girls who appeared on the site over the last years are not exactly of outstanding beauty. Reading the comments by other forum members it seems that any model who appears on City Feet is automatically wonderful.

None of them look bad or anything, just not very memorable. A lot less badass women willing to climb over rocks in the hot sun, and a lot more cutesy girl next door types

To be honest, to me they look ordinary or ugly, especially if compared to models like Maria or Sveta

Posted by: TWRS1999 Oct 13 2021, 05:36 AM
Looking through the models first introduced in 2020/21 I just find most of them to just not be very special

Diana tho she's cute

Posted by: DG2001 Oct 13 2021, 10:55 PM

Several of us have stated our points of view and personal likings about the beauty or lack of it of CF girls. It's a matter of taste of course, but I consider that classifying women as ordinary or ugly is something gentlemen don't use to do. I am sure that if these kind ladies would read such comments would be disappointed, to say the least.

My suggestion is to be courteous, if you agree.

Posted by: Mike123 Oct 14 2021, 09:34 AM
Three cheers to you DG2001.

CF models are heriones for even taking on the job and if they enjoy it and find it natural then so much the better.

I know I've made the odd gripe over the years but I like to think I've never criticised anyone's looks. I've said 'beauties' are not to my taste but I hope I've never said anything that could hurt a model's feeling if she were to see it.

The age of chivalry lives on through people like you DG2001 and all the better we are for it.


Posted by: michael0218 Oct 14 2021, 02:36 PM
QUOTE (DG2001 @ Oct 13 2021, 10:55 PM)

Several of us have stated our points of view and personal likings about the beauty or lack of it of CF girls. It's a matter of taste of course, but I consider that classifying women as ordinary or ugly is something gentlemen don't use to do. I am sure that if these kind ladies would read such comments would be disappointed, to say the least.

My suggestion is to be courteous, if you agree.

I couldn't agree more DG! I've often wondered if some of the girls look in at CF every once in a while at least...either current models who understandably want to see what kind of a splash they're making, or even some of the models of the past, particularly some of the more popular ones who are very understandingly proud of their performances and their popularity and expressions of love from their fans. It doesn't make sense to me that, even if a model has moved on to something else in life, that she wouldn't want to look back with pride at her sexy, barefoot self and knowing that she inspired and provoked such adoration (and lust) from a huge internet it CF, You Tube and Facebook, to name just a few fan bases.After all, they've achieved a certain amount of fame. I believe, as you have so well said, that hurtful, hyper-honest remarks must surely hurt their feelings at the very least.

Posted by: Feetosopher Oct 14 2021, 09:01 PM
@Mike123, @michael0218: I assume that the right to chivalry courteousness etc. etc. etc. in your views applies to any barefoot female human being
EXCEPT.. those appearing on and correct? wink.gif

@Mike123: in nearly 10 years that I have been active here I have not read A SINGLE vaguely appreciative comment of yours about ANY model
that I have shot.. I am perfectly fine with that, and none of the (few) BUG/BN models that keep an eye on this forum has ever told me that
she is depressed about that.. biggrin.gif

Posted by: Feetosopher Oct 14 2021, 09:38 PM
QUOTE (DG2001 @ Oct 13 2021, 10:55 PM)

Several of us have stated our points of view and personal likings about the beauty or lack of it of CF girls.  It's a matter of taste of course, but I consider that classifying women as ordinary or ugly is something gentlemen don't use to do.  I am sure that if these kind ladies would read such comments would be disappointed, to say the least.

My suggestion is to be courteous, if you agree.

Just my two cents as a dude who has been taking pictures of barefoot women since 1993 AD, and who has posted them on internet since 2007 AD, amigo..
ANY woman who publishes / authorises the publication of images that portray her, even more so on internet, and even more so on adult websites
(because this is what CF, TIA, BUG and BN are.. do not forget that) should accept public judgment and statements about her looks.. and should be
comfortable with the fact that there will ALWAYS be someone who finds her unattractive, and who makes public statements about that.
Such statements are absolutely normal here, on social media, and in real life, and I find that they are legitimate here, obviously including those targeted
at models appearing on and
What I find unacceptable are clearly offensive words: stating that SWAINS is "devoid of any erotic charge" (I think that Mike123 used this expression
to label fit, elegant models like her) is perfectly acceptable, immo; stating that SWAINS is a "fucking skinny Italian bitch" is unacceptable.
In a nutshell, my modest opinion is that barefootfootseeker (every dude of average intelligence will understand that your comment is targeted at him)
has the right to find certain CF models (or any other paysite's models, including the ones that I run), "ugly or insignificant", and has the right to
publicly state that in the forum. I think they call it "freedom of expression".

Posted by: TWRS1999 Oct 15 2021, 08:11 AM
I don’t find any of the recent models “ugly” just less memorable for me

Posted by: Mike123 Oct 15 2021, 09:59 AM
Mr Feetosopher, I've not made any appreciative comments about models on your sites because I don't look at your sites. I realise that your style and approach is not for me. So I don't comment. Posing beauties does it for some people but I prefer the more 'real life' CF approach.

if you like, you represent the Hollywood approach to film making whereas I prefer the Mike Leigh approach.

You have plenty of fans but my tastes lie elsewhere.


Posted by: Feetosopher Oct 16 2021, 02:17 PM
QUOTE (Mike123 @ Oct 15 2021, 09:59 AM)
Mr Feetosopher, I've not made any appreciative comments about models on your sites because I don't look at your sites. I realise that your style and approach is not for me. So I don't comment. Posing beauties does it for some people but I prefer the more 'real life' CF approach.

if you like, you represent the Hollywood approach to film making whereas I prefer the Mike Leigh approach.

You have plenty of fans but my tastes lie elsewhere.


biggrin.gif "Hollywood-style barefoot photo-videography".. brilliant, I like that! wink.gif

You know well that I am perfectly fine with your position and conduct, Mike123.. on the grounds of my respect for other people's tastes,
and my love for freedom of expression. On the same grounds, I believe that you, michael0218 and everyone else here should be fine with
barefootfootseeker's position and conduct. He did not insult anyone: he just expressed his personal dissatisfaction about the looks of newcomers at CF
over the last two years. I can perfectly understand his disappointment, since he used to be a subscriber to CF, and this section is the right one
for making the (straightforward, but respectful, imho) statements that he made.
To my knowledge, barefootfootseeker is one of the very few active forum members who actually subscribed to CF, TIA and BUG at least once,
so I always read his considerations with extreme interest. I pay no attention to people criticising BUG without having subscribed at least once to the site.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 17 2021, 02:27 PM
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Oct 16 2021, 03:17 PM)
QUOTE (Mike123 @ Oct 15 2021, 09:59 AM)
Mr Feetosopher, I've not made any appreciative comments about models on your sites because I don't look at your sites. I realise that your style and approach is not for me. So I don't comment. Posing beauties does it for some people but I prefer the more 'real life' CF approach.

if you like, you represent the Hollywood approach to film making whereas I prefer the Mike Leigh approach.

You have plenty of fans but my tastes lie elsewhere.


You know well that I am perfectly fine with your position and conduct, Mike123.. on the grounds of my respect for other people's tastes,
and my love for freedom of expression. On the same grounds, I believe that you, michael0218 and everyone else here should be fine with
barefootfootseeker's position and conduct. He did not insult anyone: he just expressed his personal dissatisfaction about the looks of newcomers at CF
over the last two years. I can perfectly understand his disappointment, since he used to be a subscriber to CF, and this section is the right one
for making the (straightforward, but respectful, imho) statements that he made.
To my knowledge, barefootfootseeker is one of the very few active forum members who actually subscribed to CF, TIA and BUG at least once,
so I always read his considerations with extreme interest. I pay no attention to people criticising BUG without having subscribed at least once to the site.

Thank you very much, Feetosopher, I am honoured that you have so high a consideration of my views, and thanks a lot also for stepping up in my favour.
I do not know if Paul still checks the Forum, but I think that I have the right to let him know that as long as he features on City Feet models like the ones who have debuted in the last two years, I will never subscribe to the site again: none of those models would be worth a monthly subscription fee in the 10-15 USD range, surely not a 40 USD monthly fee. I do not think that I showed no respect to recent City Feet models, but I happen not to find them attractive: what is the problem about that?

Posted by: mass helles Oct 23 2021, 09:55 AM
QUOTE (Duffman847 @ Oct 7 2021, 03:40 AM)
Personally I'd like to know what was said between Anna and a woman in denim on the metro shoot.

user posted image

Can't tell whether they are having a positive or negative interaction, or if the woman is just warning her about being filmed.... or if they know each other in real life? Never seen an 'NPC' sweep down like that biggrin.gif

It's incomprehensible due to the metro noise, but both are smiling, and Russian smile is truly genuine. Definitely a positive interaction.

Posted by: mass helles Oct 23 2021, 10:59 AM
QUOTE (mass helles @ Oct 23 2021, 09:55 AM)
QUOTE (Duffman847 @ Oct 7 2021, 03:40 AM)
Personally I'd like to know what was said between Anna and a woman in denim on the metro shoot.

user posted image

Can't tell whether they are having a positive or negative interaction, or if the woman is just warning her about being filmed.... or if they know each other in real life? Never seen an 'NPC' sweep down like that biggrin.gif

It's incomprehensible due to the metro noise, but both are smiling, and Russian smile is truly genuine. Definitely a positive interaction.

Facial expressions of Russians are not the same as of American ones. Smiles are not common between us, but they are sincere.

A common Russian facial expression may look grim, upset or even aggressive, but don't let your eyes fool you.

For instance, screenshot on Maryana

Grim? Upset? Angry?
No, concentrated on the task: to walk barefoot through the thick snow to the pedestrian pass. Being in the crowd.

Posted by: shifter Oct 23 2021, 09:48 PM
Anna soon became of my all-time CF favorites, and i especially love the scene where you made a screenshot from, you can already spot the woman that is talking to her earlier in the video, where she is posing her soles in the subway-train, you can see her sitting on the right side of the train, about 02:27 and later on she is following what is going on. (04:21)

i΄m pretty sure she was curious about what just has happened here and perhaps also interested in performing barefoot for city-feets as well, but we never saw here on CF yet wink.gif

Posted by: mass helles Nov 6 2021, 11:13 AM
QUOTE (DG2001 @ Oct 4 2021, 09:24 PM)
Great list mass helles, thanks for it and for the translation!

A few more

== (Nastya Luisa)

~ 02:45, a male voice

- Вам не жалко таких красивых девушек?

- Don't you feel sorry for such beautiful girls?


~ 00:25, a surprised child

- Тётя босиком???

- A barefoot woman???

== (Nastya)

~ 05:39, illegible a bit

- Вам так сильно жарко?
- Да. Жарко.
- Здесь же (...) куртку тоже снимают, шапочку там...
- Ну а чего, если кровь горячая.

- Are you that hot?
- Exactly.
- Here (...) some may take off their jacket and hat...
- No problem, my blood is hot.

== (Irina)

~ 01:10, talking to an old lady

- Время не скажете?
- Полпервого. Не холодно?
- Хотите со мной попробовать?
- Спасибо, я спешу. Молодые люди...

- Can you tell me the time?
- 12:30. Isn't it cold?
- Would you like to try it with me?
- Thanks, I'm in a hurry. Young people...

~05:20, talking to passers-by

- Разувайтесь со мной! Пойдёмте босиком!
В ответ:
- Классно!
- Молодец какая!

- Take your shoes off with me! Let's go barefoot!
- That's great!
- Good for you!

Posted by: mass helles Nov 6 2021, 12:35 PM
== (Tanya)

~00:33, voices of passers-by

- Девушку чего мучаете?
- Что ж ты босиком-то?

- Why are you tormenting the girl?
- Why are you barefoot?

== (Maria)

Реплики прохожих:
- (со смехом) Девушка голая идёт! Обуйте ребёнка!
- Чо, босиком что ли?
- (уставившись на её ноги с искренним недоумением) А?

Replies from passers-by:
- (with a laugh) The girl is naked! Give this baby some footwear!
- Didn't get it, barefoot or what?
- (staring at her feet with sincere bewilderment) Huh?

Posted by: DG2001 Nov 6 2021, 06:47 PM
QUOTE (mass helles @ Nov 6 2021, 07:35 AM)
== (Tanya)

~00:33, voices of passers-by

- Девушку чего мучаете?
- Что ж ты босиком-то?

- Why are you tormenting the girl?
- Why are you barefoot?

== (Maria)

Реплики прохожих:
- (со смехом) Девушка голая идёт! Обуйте ребёнка!
- Чо, босиком что ли?
- (уставившись на её ноги с искренним недоумением) А?

Replies from passers-by:
- (with a laugh) The girl is naked! Give this baby some footwear!
- Didn't get it, barefoot or what?
- (staring at her feet with sincere bewilderment) Huh?

Thanks a lot for the translations! Much appreciated.

Posted by: shifter Nov 6 2021, 11:29 PM
@mass helles
thank you very much!

Posted by: mass helles Jan 10 2022, 10:42 AM
Ok, a few more

== (Ksenia)

~02:49, voices of two male spectators

- Испачкаешь же ноги-то...
- (Ксения) Ничего...
- А что это вообще такое-то? А?

- You'll get your feet dirty...
- (Ksenia) Never mind...
- And what's all this about? Huh?

The rest of the talk is illegible, however one of the men asks if Ksenia is hardening herself.

== (Nastya)

~ 00:11, an elderly couple catches up Nastya

- Она босиком идёт. Ей нравится.

- She's walking barefoot. She likes it.

== (Nastya)

~ 03:12, a voice of a female passer-by

- Не холодно тебе, девица?
- (Настя со смехом) Очень.

- Aren't you cold, girl?
- (Nastya laughingly) Very cold.

== (Marina)

~ 04:54, female passer-by

- Не холодно?
- Здоровый образ жизни.
- Серьёзно?
- Да.
- (нрзб)
- Конечно. Я всегда босиком хожу.
- Можно я вас (сфотографирую)... (достаёт смартфон)

- Aren't you cold?
- Healthy lifestyle.
- Are you serious?
- Yes.
- (illegible)
- Sure. I always go barefoot.
- May I (take a picture of you)... (pulls out her smartphone)

Posted by: mass helles Jan 10 2022, 01:59 PM
And a few more

== (Nastya)

~ 04:54, a drunken man

- Ну, миленькие, вы даёте! Молодцы, что я хочу сказать.
- А мы закаляемся.
- Вот. Мы хотели в своё время тоже так равняться. Но мы были по-другому воспитаны. А щас всё вот... Вот и сейчас тоже хочу. Тоже сниму.

- Oh, my goodness, that's great! Well done, what I want to say.
- And we're hardening.
- Here. That's the way we wanted to be at one time. But we were brought up differently. And now everything is... I want to do it now. I'll take it off, too.

== (Maria)

~ 08:00, a man brings Maria a flower

- (что-то вроде) Девочки, за ваш уровень смелости цветок...

- (sounds like) Girls, here's a flower for your level of courage...

== (Elena)

~ 05:35, people from Caucasus notice her bare feet

- Я смотрю, на вас проклятые хулиганы напали, разули, девушка?

- I see you were attacked by bloody hooligans that took your shoes off, girl?

Posted by: DG2001 Jan 11 2022, 04:36 PM
Thank you so much Mass helles!

The translation make the videos even more interesting!

Posted by: shifter Jan 11 2022, 07:32 PM
also a big thanks from me for these insights!!

Posted by: mass helles Sep 28 2022, 08:07 PM
== (Janna)

(совершенно нрзб) / (completely incomprehensible)

~ 0.00

— Мы снимаем про девушку, которая ходит босиком.

— We're filming a girl that walks barefoot.

== (Ekaterina)

~ 04:25, she whispers stomping barefoot over sharp stones:

— Всё, не могу

— Enough, I can't (take this anymore)

== (Ekaterina)

~ 06:06

— Тут пипец как страшно, я лучше на эту часть пойду

— That looks freaky terrifying, I'd rather walk over this part

== (Gulnara)

~ 00:19

— Как больно-то, ох!

— So painful, ow!

Posted by: TWRS1999 Sep 28 2022, 08:24 PM
In Margarita’s first series she has a couple back and forths with the camera lady. Do you know what they say to eachother?

Posted by: mass helles Sep 28 2022, 08:35 PM
QUOTE (TWRS1999 @ Sep 28 2022, 08:24 PM)
In Margarita’s first series she has a couple back and forths with the camera lady. Do you know what they say to eachother?

Oops, I cannot subscribe to this clip due to the sanctions put on Russia (overboard transactions via Visa/Mastercard are prohibited).

Sorry, cannot help sad.gif

Posted by: mass helles Sep 29 2022, 05:55 AM
== (Julia Nastya)

~ 00:47

— Босиком пошла!

— Walking barefoot!

== (Julia Nastya)

~ 02:11

— Босиком.
— А это они закаляются. Как гуси лапчатые.

— In bare feet.
— They're hardening themselves. Like gooses (gooses have red feet).

== (Nata)

~ 0:08

— А вам не холодно?
— Нормально, закаляемся
— (нрзб) Просто героиня!

— Aren't you cold?
— Quite normal, we're hardening ourselves.
— (incomprehensible) What a hero!

== (Olesya)

~ 08:16

— Мне не щекотно, мне приятно! Ну не знаю, может, пальчиком пощекочи?
— Я массаж умею делать, а щекотку не очень.
— Вот я чувствую, что ни массажа, ни щекотки...

— It doesn't tickles, it feels like a pleasure. Dunno, could you tickle me with your finger?
— I can do foot rub, I'm not a tickler.
— So that's what I feel, neither foot rub, nor tickling.

Posted by: shifter Sep 29 2022, 05:50 PM
awesome, thanks for these!!

Posted by: michael0218 Oct 2 2022, 05:19 PM This my sweetie Ekaterina! cool.gif I love this sweet and innocent looking...and such beautifully sexy dirty feet!

Posted by: TWRS1999 Oct 3 2022, 01:52 AM
Is Katya short for Ekaterina? She’s one of the models with a different name on the poster

Posted by: mass helles Oct 3 2022, 02:07 PM
QUOTE (TWRS1999 @ Oct 3 2022, 01:52 AM)
Is Katya short for Ekaterina? She’s one of the models with a different name on the poster


Ekaterina (actually Yekaterina, like in "yes"), Katerina, Katia/Katya, Katyusha or even Kat.

Posted by: mass helles Oct 3 2022, 02:28 PM
Katya/Katia is a clumsy transcription to English of the Russian short name Катя. Roman/German languages do not have this vowel that sounds more or less like "a" but palatalizes (softens) the preceding consonant.


Posted by: DG2001 Oct 3 2022, 03:11 PM
QUOTE (mass helles @ Sep 29 2022, 12:55 AM)
== (Julia Nastya)

~ 00:47

— Босиком пошла!

— Walking barefoot!

== (Julia Nastya)

~ 02:11

— Босиком.
— А это они закаляются. Как гуси лапчатые.

— In bare feet.
— They're hardening themselves. Like gooses (gooses have red feet).

== (Nata)

~ 0:08

— А вам не холодно?
— Нормально, закаляемся
— (нрзб) Просто героиня!

— Aren't you cold?
— Quite normal, we're hardening ourselves.
— (incomprehensible) What a hero!

== (Olesya)

~ 08:16

— Мне не щекотно, мне приятно! Ну не знаю, может, пальчиком пощекочи?
— Я массаж умею делать, а щекотку не очень.
— Вот я чувствую, что ни массажа, ни щекотки...

— It doesn't tickles, it feels like a pleasure. Dunno, could you tickle me with your finger?
— I can do foot rub, I'm not a tickler.
— So that's what I feel, neither foot rub, nor tickling.

Thanks a lot for the translation!

It made me smile when Olesya sort of "purred" in the video smile.gif

Posted by: mass helles Oct 3 2022, 05:43 PM
I've posted few dialogs in another thread, but can't remember where and when. So let's repeat.

== (Margarita)

~ 02:07, a lot of the talking sounds illegible.

(М) — Можно я лопату возьму?
— (что-то утвердительное)
— (что-то вопросительное)
(М) — Я копать буду, да
— Здесь же холодно. А куда вы её покажете, где? Давай-давай, как следует. Ну это нечестно, вы ноги, ноги её...
(М) — Ну конечно ноги, что же ещё.
— Во, конечно! И чего потом покажешь? Сегодня по телевизору?
(М) — Да, в новостях смотрите шоу
— Меня с ней сфотографируй. О, красавица моя. Хорошо? Всё.
(М) — На улице хорошо, жарко. Не надо мне ноги тереть
— Ты горячая
— Хотите потереть мне ножки?
— Горячая
(М) — А ноги холодные
— Грей, грей. Вот давай-давай
(М) — Во какие у меня красивые ножки
— О какие ножки. Гладкие. Брили её, да?
(М) — Да, конечно, а как же без этого
— Давай другую
(М) — Давайте
— Ох какие золотые у неё...
(М) — Да, я вообще красавица
— Ох, какая красавица, от неё прям пар идёт. Горячая как печка

(M) - Can I have a shovel?
- (something affirmative)
- (something questioning)
(M) - I'll dig, yes.
- It's cold out here. And where will you show it, where? Come on, come on, do it right. Well that's not fair, film the feet, her feet...
(M) - Of course, the feet, what else.
- Yes, of course! And then when will you show it? Today on TV?
(M) - Yes, on the news part.
- Take a picture of me with her. Oh, my beauty. Okay? That's it.
(M) - It's nice outside, it's hot. I need no foot rubbing
- You're hot.
(M) - Do you want to rub my feet?
- Hot.
(M) - And my feet are cold
- Warming, warming. Come on, come on.
(M) - Oh, what beautiful legs I have
- Oh, what beautiful legs. Smooth. You shaved them, didn't you?
(M) - Yes, of course, how could I not?
- Let's do the other one.
(M) - Let's do it.
- Oh, how golden they are... (talking about foot decorations)
(M) - Yes, I'm a beauty
- Oh, what a beauty, she's steaming. Hot as a stove

== (Alena)

~ 02:47

(А) — А тапочки дорогие у вас?
— Какие? Одевай, милок, замёрзнешь.
— Вот эти, женские, 130. Ну как босиком ходишь, за 120 отдам.
— Как нечего обуть...
— Берите, хорошие тапочки

(A) - Are your slippers expensive?
- What kind? Put them on, honey, you'll freeze.
- These are women's, 130. If you go barefoot, I'll give them to you for 120.
- If you have nothing to wear...
- Take them, they're good slippers.

== (Janna)

~ 02:32

— А по стёклам?
Жанна смеётся
— Я могу по стёклам

- And what about (broken) glass?
Janna gives a laughter
- I can (walk over broken) glass

== (Anna)

~ 03:49

— Интересная. Главное, чтобы она не простудилась.

- An attractive girl. The main thing is that she doesn't catch a cold.

== (Ksenia)

~ 00:28

(K) — Холодно...
(K) — Привет!
— Вася, веди себя прилично!
(К) — Хороший...

(K) — It's cold...
(K) — Hello!
— Vasya, behave yourself!
(К) — Atta boy...

== (Alyona)

— Не холодно девушке пальчики, а?
(А) — Да чуть-чуть
— Это что, сессия какая-то?
(А) — Да
(Обе смеются)

— Aren't you toes cold, girl?
(А) — A little bit
— Is that some kind of a session?
(А) — Yes
(Both laughs)

== (Nina)

~ 00:35

— Вот, наконец, если на дизайнера учиться...
(остальное нрзб)

— That's what you got studying design...
(the rest is illegible)

== (Maria)

~ 00:07

— Нажимаем на газ. Ой, на тормоз, я запуталась. Вот у нас газ. Я очень люблю машину свою. И ножки свои люблю. У меня очень красивый подъём, потому что я занималась танцами, вот, и этим я горжусь.

- Let's step on the gas. Oh, the brake, I was confused. Here we have gas. I enjoy my car. And I enjoy my feet. I've got a very high arches because I've was a dancer, so that's what I'm proud of.


— Так, всё, покатались на качельках, пора идти дальше гулять

- Okay, that's it, we rolled on the swings, now it's time to move forward

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