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City-feet members' message board > Barefoot memories&impressions > Miss Barefooting Universe - official thread

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Sep 20 2020, 09:11 AM
Dear forum members, after the end of the preliminary stages, it is kick-off time for my Miss Barefooting Universe contest.
In this thread I will announce the polls for the eight groups, the quarter-finals, the semi-finals and the final, and the related winners.

I am now presenting the eight-group stage.
There will be six groups (A, B, C, D, E, F) made of one model each for Barefoot Urban Girls, City Feet and Toes-In-Action sites.
They will be seeded among groups in alphabetical order.
Group G will feature: Linda and Maud from defunct site Barefoot Forever; Ashley and Rachel from Shoeless Girl Media.
Group H will feature five barefooting celebrities: Cecilia Descalza, Dashley Driveby, JorahTheAndal, Olga Gavva, Nastya Deiniris.
You will find the composition of the groups below.

I hope that you will all have fun with my Miss Barefooting Universe contest!

Aiko of Barefoot Urban Girls
Alexandra of City Feet
Heike of Toes-In-Action

Amelie of Barefoot Urban Girls
Alla of City Feet
Janina of Toes-In-Action

Chat Noir of Barefoot Urban Girls
Julia of City Feet
Kira of Toes-In-Action

Irie of Barefoot Urban Girls
Mila of City Feet
Lemoni of Toes-In-Action

Perlanera of Barefoot Urban Girls
Natasha of City Feet
Paloma of Toes-In-Action

Swains of Barefoot Urban Girls
Yana of City Feet
Valeska of Toes-In-Action

Linda from defunct site Barefoot Forever
Maud from defunct site Barefoot Forever
Ashley from Shoeless Girl Media
Rachel from Shoeless Girl Media

GROUP H - barefooting celebrities
Cecilia Descalza
Dashley Driveby
Olga Gavva
Nastya Deiniris

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Sep 20 2020, 09:50 AM
Vote for Group A is now open.
You can vote here:
Vote closes on 26/09/20 at 22 Italian time.

Below you can find some pictures or the profile page of the contestants.

AIKO of Barefoot Urban Girls

ALEXANDRA of City Feet

HEIKE of Toes-In-Action

Posted by: Feetosopher Sep 20 2020, 10:35 AM
WOAH.. HERE WE GO, AT LAST!!! smile.gif
Bravo amico, I was looking forward to the start of your Miss Barefooting Universe contest! wink.gif
Looking at the women seeded among the eight groups, it seems that we truly have the cream of barefoot beauty clashing for the title!
It is also pretty clear that my models will have a very tough life in their groups.
I confirm my prediction: this Forum is clearly a City Feet and TIA stronghold, and none of my models will pass the group stage.
Plus we have well-known pains in the ass around here.. tongue.gif

Whatever.. as for Group A.. if I had to be objective, this would have been a very tough decision.
I have had the privilege of knowing wonderful Heike in person, and shooting her. And Alexandra is surely a very beautiful girl.

The point is.. I happen to the webmaster of
and there is only ONE Italian Barefoot Goddess.. her name is AIKO!!! wub.gif

user posted image

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Sep 20 2020, 12:39 PM
Thank you for your appreciation for the contest, Feetosopher!
You are right: none of the groups has a clear winner, uncertainty reigns.
Yet I hope that your wonderful models will do better than you predict.
I have not decided whom I will support for the title, but I have a tiny group of favorites, and some of your models are part of it.
It will be a long way to the title: we will see. Ciao!

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Sep 20 2020, 12:40 PM
Heats E and F of City-Feet Championship season 4 are now open. Cast your votes!

Heat E

Heat F

Posted by: Feetosopher Sep 20 2020, 04:50 PM
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Sep 20 2020, 12:39 PM)
Thank you for your appreciation for the contest, Feetosopher!
You are right: none of the groups has a clear winner, uncertainty reigns.
Yet I hope that your wonderful models will do better than you predict.
I have not decided whom I will support for the title, but I have a tiny group of favorites, and some of your models are part of it.
It will be a long way to the title: we will see. Ciao!

Ciao amico! Very honestly, any votes that my models will get beside my own will make me happy.
You voted for AIKO against tough opposition, and that's already a great prize to me.. thank you! smile.gif

Posted by: markpendre Sep 21 2020, 12:35 AM
You're gona make me choose between Lemoni and Irie? Not fair!! tongue.gif tongue.gif tongue.gif

I'm joking! It's your contest, after all. I just want to say that Irie and Lemoni (along with Valeska) are my faves in this contest and I loathe to have to choose between the two!

I suppose that when the time comes, I will have to choose! :'(

Posted by: gb62da Sep 21 2020, 03:55 AM
This photo of Aiko is one of my all time favorites! So it's an easy decision for whom I will vote...

Posted by: Feetosopher Sep 21 2020, 06:21 PM
QUOTE (gb62da @ Sep 21 2020, 03:55 AM)
This photo of Aiko is one of my all time favorites! So it's an easy decision for whom I will vote...

Thank you very much for your support to AIKO in super-tough group A, amico! What a vote-by-vote battle! ohmy.gif

As for breathtaking feet close-ups.. AIKO has always been an ace in delivering memorable ones.. don't you think? wink.gif

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Posted by: barefootfootseeker Sep 23 2020, 08:34 PM
QUOTE (markpendre @ Sep 21 2020, 12:35 AM)
You're gona make me choose between Lemoni and Irie? Not fair!! tongue.gif tongue.gif tongue.gif

I'm joking! It's your contest, after all. I just want to say that Irie and Lemoni (along with Valeska) are my faves in this contest and I loathe to have to choose between the two!

I suppose that when the time comes, I will have to choose! :'(

Hello markpendre, I understand your problem. I will have many hard decisions to take in the group stage of the contest. There is no solution to this problem, I am afraid. There is only one winner in any contest, in the end.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Sep 23 2020, 08:42 PM
Hello everybody, I have decided the tie-breaking criterion for the contest.
In case two or more models are tied with the same number of votes, the tie will be broken by the number of "declared" votes that each model has received. This means, the number of forum members who publicly declared their vote for each model.
If two or more models are tied also in terms of "declared" votes, a tie-breaking poll will be held.

I have also decided the seeding for quarter-finals and semi-finals.

Quarter-final 1: winner of Group A vs. winner of Group B.
Quarter-final 2: winner of Group C vs. winner of Group D.
Quarter-final 3: winner of Group E vs. winner of Group F.
Quarter-final 4: winner of Group G vs. winner of Group H.

Semi-final A: winner of quarter-final 1 vs. winner of quarter-final 2.
Semi-final B: winner of quarter-final 3 vs. winner of quarter-final 4.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Sep 26 2020, 08:04 PM
Group A is now closed:

The final count of votes is:
Aiko of Barefoot Urban Girls: 6 votes
Heike of Toes-In-Action: 6 votes
Alexandra of City Feet: 4 votes

Aiko and Heike are tied with 6 votes each

The tie-breaker situation is:
Aiko of Barefoot Urban Girls: 3 "declared" votes (my own's, The Feetosopher's, gb62da's)
Heike of Toes-In-Action: 1 "declared" vote (Duffman847's)

Aiko of Barefoot Urban Girls wins Group A at the tie-break, and proceeds to quarter-final 1.

Congratulations, Aiko!

user posted image

Posted by: Feetosopher Sep 26 2020, 08:37 PM
WOAHHHHHHH!!! AIKO made it!!! YESSSSSSS!!! wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif

I've held my breath in the last days.. I saw AIKO get on top twice, and Heike catching her twice. A true vote-by-vote battle!
Indeed, the tie-breaker was needed to decide the winner.. by the way, I really like your tie-breaking criterion, barefootfootseeker..
I mean, if you want to support a model in this contest, you have to be proud of your vote, and declare it! wink.gif
Frankly speaking, before the start of the contest I thought that no BUG model would have made it to the quarter-finals.
Besides the tough opposition, I was afraid that a certain anti-BUG and anti-Feetosopher attitude in this forum could play against them.
I am super-happy to have been proven wrong! smile.gif

With wonderful AIKO, the' flag now boldly waves on the quarter-finals!
BOW TO THE GODDESS!!! smile.gif

AIKO poses by a typical "Gondola" in Venice (Italy), July 2010
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Posted by: barefootfootseeker Sep 26 2020, 09:25 PM
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Sep 26 2020, 08:37 PM)
Indeed, the tie-breaker was needed to decide the winner.. by the way, I really like your tie-breaking criterion, barefootfootseeker..
I mean, if you want to support a model in this contest, you have to be proud of your vote, and declare it! wink.gif
Frankly speaking, before the start of the contest I thought that no BUG model would have made it to the quarter-finals.
Besides the tough opposition, I was afraid that a certain anti-BUG and anti-Feetosopher attitude in this forum could play against them.
I am super-happy to have been proven wrong! smile.gif

Ciao Feetosopher, I am glad that you like my tie-breaking criterion. I do not like anonymous voters very much, actually. I always state my votes in any contest.
I am happy too that Aiko qualified for the quarter-finals. To be honest, I thought that my other favourite in this group, Alexandra of City Feet, would get more votes. Voting for Aiko against Alexandra was really hard for me, I am a big fan of Alexandra. Whatever, I was right: you were too pessimistic about your models' chances in this contest. I think that Aiko will not be the only Barefoot Urban Girls model in the quarter finals.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Sep 26 2020, 09:31 PM
Do not forget to vote in City-Feet Championship season 4!
Heats E and F are now open.
Heat E:
Heat F:

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Sep 26 2020, 10:11 PM
Vote for Group B is now open.
You can vote here:
Vote closes on 02/10/20 at 22 Italian time.

Here you can find some pictures or the profile page of the contestants

Amelie of Barefoot Urban Girls

Alla of City Feet

Janina of Toes-In-Action

Tie-breaking criterion: in case two or more models are tied with the same number of votes, the tie will be broken by the number of
"declared" votes that each model has received. This means, the number of forum members who publicly declared their vote for each model.
If two or more models are tied also in terms of "declared" votes, a tie-breaking poll will be held.

Posted by: Feetosopher Sep 27 2020, 02:54 PM
Wow.. not even the time to breathe after AIKO's victory in Group A, and it's already time to support gorgeous AMELIE in Group B! smile.gif

AMELIE is also the star of today's update at don't you think that
she could be a serious candidate for the title of Miss Barefooting Universe? wink.gif

user posted image

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Sep 27 2020, 08:54 PM
Thank you for your comment and for the free picture of gorgeous Amelie, Feetosopher. And thank you also for advertising my Miss Barefooting Universe contest in your threads. Amelie is leading by a wide margin in Group B, for now.

Posted by: Feetosopher Sep 27 2020, 09:15 PM
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Sep 27 2020, 08:54 PM)
Thank you for your comment and for the free picture of gorgeous Amelie, Feetosopher. And thank you also for advertising my Miss Barefooting Universe contest in your threads. Amelie is leading by a wide margin in Group B, for now.

Ciao amico, you are most welcome! smile.gif The results of your contest keep on stunning me.. am I dreaming? biggrin.gif

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 2 2020, 09:32 PM
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Sep 27 2020, 09:15 PM)
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Sep 27 2020, 08:54 PM)
Thank you for your comment and for the free picture of gorgeous Amelie, Feetosopher. And thank you also for advertising my Miss Barefooting Universe contest in your threads. Amelie is leading by a wide margin in Group B, for now.

Ciao amico, you are most welcome! smile.gif The results of your contest keep on stunning me.. am I dreaming? biggrin.gif

It seems that you can keep on dreaming, Feetosopher!

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 2 2020, 09:34 PM
Group B is now closed:

The final count of votes is:
Amelie of Barefoot Urban Girls: 14 votes
Alla of City Feet: 1 vote
Janina of Toes-In-Action: 0 votes

Amelie of Barefoot Urban Girls wins Group B and proceeds to quarter-final 1, where she will clash with Aiko of Barefoot Urban Girls.

Congratulations, Amelie!

user posted image

Posted by: shifter Oct 3 2020, 01:56 PM
congratulations Amelie!!

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 3 2020, 09:04 PM
Vote for Group C is now open.
You can vote here:
Vote closes on 09/10/20 at 22 Italian time.

Here you can find some pictures or the profile page of the contestants

Chat Noir of Barefoot Urban Girls

Julia of City Feet

Kira of Toes-In-Action

Tie-breaking criterion: in case two or more models are tied with the same number of votes, the tie will be broken by the number of
"declared" votes that each model has received. This means, the number of forum members who publicly declared their vote for each model.
If two or more models are tied also in terms of "declared" votes, a tie-breaking poll will be held.

Posted by: Feetosopher Oct 3 2020, 10:27 PM
So it looks like we will have at least one between AIKO and AMELIE in semi-final A.. and that at least one
flagship model will be in the Fabulous Four of the Miss Barefooting Universe contest.. WOW!!! smile.gif
I would not have bet a cent on such an outcome before the start of the contest.. biggrin.gif

And now.. it's already time to support my beloved CHAT NOIR in Group C! wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif

I like to do that with a picture from CHAT NOIR's debut session, August 2010. She was just 19, but surely she was no shy girl.. wink.gif
user posted image

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 9 2020, 08:43 PM
Group C is now closed:

The final count is:
Chat Noir of Barefoot Urban Girls: 7 votes
Julia of City Feet: 6 votes
Kira of Toes-In-Action: 0 votes

Chat Noir of Barefoot Urban Girls wins Group C and proceeds to quarter-final 2.

Congratulations, Chat Noir!

user posted image

Posted by: shifter Oct 10 2020, 03:15 PM
congratulations chat noir!!
and what a wonderful choice for winning picture!!

Posted by: Feetosopher Oct 10 2020, 03:29 PM
WOW! Great to see that CHAT NOIR is the third model in a row to qualify for the quarter-finals! smile.gif
Now I am really curious to see the results of groups D, E and F!
Whatever.. VIVA CHAT NOIR! wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif

user posted image

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 11 2020, 11:08 AM
Vote for Group D is now open.
You can vote here:
Vote closes on 17/10/20 at 22 Italian time.

Here you can find some pictures or the profile page of the contestants

Irie of Barefoot Urban Girls

Mila of City Feet:

Lemoni of Toes-In-Action (she is the girl with the blue top and long blue jeans):

Tie-breaking criterion: in case two or more models are tied with the same number of votes, the tie will be broken by the number of
"declared" votes that each model has received. This means, the number of forum members who publicly declared their vote for each model.
If two or more models are tied also in terms of "declared" votes, a tie-breaking poll will be held.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 17 2020, 08:46 PM
Group D is now closed:

The final count is:
Irie of Barefoot Urban Girls: 10 votes
Lemoni of Toes-In-Action: 2 votes
Mila of City Feet: 0 votes

Irie of Barefoot Urban Girls wins Group D and proceeds to quarter-final 2, where she will clash against Chat Noir of Barefoot Urban Girls.

Congratulations, Irie!
user posted image

Posted by: DG2001 Oct 17 2020, 10:37 PM
Wow, cool! This will be a difficult decision!

Let's vote!

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 18 2020, 08:26 AM
QUOTE (DG2001 @ Oct 17 2020, 10:37 PM)
Wow, cool! This will be a difficult decision!

Let's vote!

Hello DG2001, thank you for your comment! Indeed: deciding between Aiko and Amelie in quarter-final 1 and between Chat Noir and Irie in quarter-final 2 will surely be very difficult for me.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 18 2020, 08:36 AM
Vote for Group E is now open.
You can vote here:

Vote closes on 24/10/20 at 22 Italian time.

Here you can find some pictures or the profile page of the contestants

Perlanera of Barefoot Urban Girls

Natasha of City Feet

Paloma of Toes-In-Action

Tie-breaking criterion: in case two or more models are tied with the same number of votes, the tie will be broken by the number of
"declared" votes that each model has received. This means, the number of forum members who publicly declared their vote for each model.
If two or more models are tied also in terms of "declared" votes, a tie-breaking poll will be held.

Posted by: Feetosopher Oct 18 2020, 08:58 AM
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Oct 18 2020, 08:26 AM)
QUOTE (DG2001 @ Oct 17 2020, 10:37 PM)
Wow, cool!  This will be a difficult decision!

Let's vote!

Hello DG2001, thank you for your comment! Indeed: deciding between Aiko and Amelie in quarter-final 1 and between Chat Noir and Irie in quarter-final 2 will surely be very difficult for me.

Well, I can already state that I will not vote in quarter-finals 1 and 2..
but I am ultra-happy that one finalist will surely wave the flag! smile.gif
I would not have bet a cent before the start of the contest on such a surprising outcome!!! ohmy.gif

Posted by: Feetosopher Oct 18 2020, 09:00 AM
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Oct 18 2020, 08:36 AM)
Vote for Group E is now open.
You can vote here:

Vote closes on 24/10/20 at 22 Italian time.

Here you can find some pictures or the profile page of the contestants

Perlanera of Barefoot Urban Girls

GO PERLANERA! wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif

user posted image

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 18 2020, 10:24 AM
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Oct 18 2020, 08:58 AM)
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Oct 18 2020, 08:26 AM)
QUOTE (DG2001 @ Oct 17 2020, 10:37 PM)
Wow, cool!  This will be a difficult decision!

Let's vote!

Hello DG2001, thank you for your comment! Indeed: deciding between Aiko and Amelie in quarter-final 1 and between Chat Noir and Irie in quarter-final 2 will surely be very difficult for me.

Well, I can already state that I will not vote in quarter-finals 1 and 2..
but I am ultra-happy that one finalist will surely wave the flag! smile.gif
I would not have bet a cent before the start of the contest on such a surprising outcome!!! ohmy.gif

Indeed, Feetosopher. There will surely be a Barefoot Urban Girls model in the final. And considering that Swains is in the other half of the board, there may be an all-Barefoot Urban Girls final. We will see.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 18 2020, 10:27 AM
Do not forget to cast your votes in the semi-finals of City-Feet Championship. The polls will close on October 24 (11pm BST).
Semi-final 1:
Semi-final 2:

Posted by: Feetosopher Oct 18 2020, 10:34 AM
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Oct 18 2020, 10:24 AM)
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Oct 18 2020, 08:58 AM)
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Oct 18 2020, 08:26 AM)
QUOTE (DG2001 @ Oct 17 2020, 10:37 PM)
Wow, cool!  This will be a difficult decision!

Let's vote!

Hello DG2001, thank you for your comment! Indeed: deciding between Aiko and Amelie in quarter-final 1 and between Chat Noir and Irie in quarter-final 2 will surely be very difficult for me.

Well, I can already state that I will not vote in quarter-finals 1 and 2..
but I am ultra-happy that one finalist will surely wave the flag! smile.gif
I would not have bet a cent before the start of the contest on such a surprising outcome!!! ohmy.gif

Indeed, Feetosopher. There will surely be a Barefoot Urban Girls model in the final. And considering that Swains is in the other half of the board, there may be an all-Barefoot Urban Girls final. We will see.

Well, SWAINS will have to face very tough opposition already in Group F.. and very tough competitors will emerge from groups G and H, in any case.
But considering how things went so far.. never say never.. wink.gif

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 24 2020, 08:52 PM
Group E is now closed:

The final count is:
Perlanera of Barefoot Urban Girls: 7 votes
Natasha of City Feet: 6 votes
Paloma of Toes-In-Action: 0 votes

Perlanera of Barefoot Urban Girls wins Group E and proceeds to quarter-final 3.

Congratulations, Perlanera!

user posted image

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 25 2020, 10:09 AM
Vote for Group F is now open.
You can vote here:

Vote closes on 30/10/20 at 22 Italian time.

Here you can find some pictures or the profile page of the contestants

Swains of Barefoot Urban Girls

Yana of City Feet

Valeska of Toes-In-Action

Tie-breaking criterion: in case two or more models are tied with the same number of votes, the tie will be broken by the number of
"declared" votes that each model has received. This means, the number of forum members who publicly declared their vote for each model.
If two or more models are tied also in terms of "declared" votes, a tie-breaking poll will be held.

Posted by: Feetosopher Oct 25 2020, 12:38 PM
Congrats to PERLANERA! She is the 5th BUG model to qualify for the quarter-finals of the contest..
will wonderful SWAINS manage to deliver an amazing 6-0 shutout against the models of competing paysites? We will see.. smile.gif

user posted image

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 25 2020, 03:00 PM
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Oct 25 2020, 12:38 PM)
Congrats to PERLANERA! She is the 5th BUG model to qualify for the quarter-finals of the contest..
will wonderful SWAINS manage to deliver an amazing 6-0 shutout against the models of competing paysites? We will see.. smile.gif

Ciao Feetosopher, thank you for your comment and the free picture of Swains, which was much appreciated.
I was actually surprised myself to see five Barefoot Urban Girls models in the quarter-finals. Chat Noir and Perlanera actually made it by a single vote, and Aiko needed the tie-breaker to beat Heike.
It seems that Swains will have a tough life in group F against Valeska. I am not surprised: Valeska is likely to be supported by all the forum members who prefer hippie-style barefooters.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 25 2020, 03:03 PM
The Grand Final poll in City-Feet Championship is now open. Cast your votes!

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 30 2020, 09:15 PM
Group F is now closed:

The final count is:
Swains of Barefoot Urban Girls: 8 votes
Yana of City Feet: 1 vote
Valeska of Toes-In-Action: 6 votes

Swains of Barefoot Urban Girls wins Group F and proceeds to quarter-final 3, where she will meet Perlanera of Barefoot Urban Girls.

Congratulations, Swains!

user posted image

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 31 2020, 02:58 PM
Vote for Group G is now open.
You can vote here:

Here you can find pictures of the contestants

Linda from defunct sites Barefoot Forever/Postmodern Women
user posted image

Maud from defunct sites Barefoot Forever/Postmodern Women
user posted image

Ashley from Shoeless Girl Media
user posted image

Rachel from Shoeless Girl Media
user posted image

Tie-breaking criterion: in case two or more models are tied with the same number of votes, the tie will be broken by the number of
"declared" votes that each model has received. This means, the number of forum members who publicly declared their vote for each model.
If two or more models are tied also in terms of "declared" votes, a tie-breaking poll will be held.

Posted by: Feetosopher Oct 31 2020, 06:12 PM
Dear friends and followers of today I am happy to celebrate with you an outstanding achievement!
ALL the six models participating to the Miss Barefooting Universe contest
have qualified for quarter-finals, shutting out the competition! A resounding 6-0 triumph!
Given the quality of the opponents (the top models of City Feet and Toes-In-Action websites), this is an extraordinary result!
Out of eight quarter-finalists in the contest, six are BUG models: AIKO, AMELIE, CHAT NOIR, IRIE, PERLANERA and SWAINS! CONGRATS! smile.gif
I hope that you will like the special poster that I have prepared to celebrate this outstanding achievement!
Well.. may not offer the fanciest layout.. the biggest photo&video-library.. or the highest definition videos..
but probably it offers the MOST CHARMING BAREFOOT BEAUTIES OF THE PLANET.. don't you think? wink.gif

user posted image

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Oct 31 2020, 10:04 PM
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Oct 31 2020, 06:12 PM)
Dear friends and followers of today I am happy to celebrate with you an outstanding achievement!
ALL the six models participating to the Miss Barefooting Universe contest
have qualified for quarter-finals, shutting out the competition! A resounding 6-0 triumph!
Given the quality of the opponents (the top models of City Feet and Toes-In-Action websites), this is an extraordinary result!
Out of eight quarter-finalists in the contest, six are BUG models: AIKO, AMELIE, CHAT NOIR, IRIE, PERLANERA and SWAINS! CONGRATS! smile.gif
I hope that you will like the special poster that I have prepared to celebrate this outstanding achievement!
Well.. may not offer the fanciest layout.. the biggest photo&video-library.. or the highest definition videos..
but probably it offers the MOST CHARMING BAREFOOT BEAUTIES OF THE PLANET.. don't you think? wink.gif

Ciao Feetosopher, thank you for your comment and for the fantastic, large size poster!

Well, the battles in some groups were really tough, and Barefoot Urban Girls models won by tight margins. But other models, Irie and especially Amelie, won by an avalanche. You surely were too pessimistic about the chances of your models. One of the finalists will necessarily be a Barefoot Urban Girl.
To be honest, I am very surprised and also rather upset that some wonderful City Feet and Toes-In-Action models received very few or no votes. Janina and Kira would have deserved more votes (surely more than Valeska, in my opinion), and especially gorgeous Yana (just one vote???).
I read the 6-0 shutout of Barefoot Urban Girls as a confirmation of my considerations about the very high average level of the girls that you work with.
Sadly the average quality of new debuts at City Feet has been declining (I am still waiting for a new girl worth the 40 $ monthly fee after Alla 2), and unless you are a fanatic of barefoot punk or hippy girls (no matter how they look like), the situation at Toes-In-Action is even worse: if you look beyond the extravagant (or ridiculous, to me) clothes, piercings, dreadlocks and rasta-style hairdos, most of the girls that debuted over the last 4-5 years have insignificant or ugly faces.
It seems that the majority of the forum members have been fascinated by the classic beauty of your girls. Congratulations, anyway.

P.S. One curiosity: out of the six Barefoot Urban Girls quarter-finalists, none is a blonde, and there are very few blondes left in groups G and H.

Posted by: nudescalze Oct 31 2020, 10:13 PM
E tedeschi e russi muti. VIVA L'ITALIA! / Germans and Russians in silence. VIVA ITALIA!

QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Oct 31 2020, 06:12 PM)
Well.. may not offer the fanciest layout.. the biggest photo&video-library.. or the highest definition videos..
but probably it offers the MOST CHARMING BAREFOOT BEAUTIES OF THE PLANET.. don't you think? wink.gif

user posted image

Posted by: Feetosopher Oct 31 2020, 10:47 PM
QUOTE (nudescalze @ Oct 31 2020, 10:13 PM)
E tedeschi e russi muti. VIVA L'ITALIA! / Germans and Russians in silence. VIVA ITALIA!

QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Oct 31 2020, 06:12 PM)
Well.. may not offer the fanciest layout.. the biggest photo&video-library.. or the highest definition videos..
but probably it offers the MOST CHARMING BAREFOOT BEAUTIES OF THE PLANET.. don't you think? wink.gif

Hmm.. are you a troll? This profile has not been used for a long time.. dry.gif
Whatever: I do not like this kind of comments.
It's obvious that I am happy about the results of the contest so far, and I am also proud of being Italian.
But I have great friends in Germany, and I have got a few friends also in Russia. BUG has had many German and Russian subscribers over the years.
CF and TIA have launched so many wonderful models, and I consider a huge privilege the fact that I have met some TIA models in person.
I hate this kind of soccer-style national rivalries. If you want to comment my posts, please show respect to the people that I like..
otherwise you are not showing respect to me.. OK? Thank you.

Posted by: Feetosopher Oct 31 2020, 10:56 PM
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Oct 31 2020, 10:04 PM)
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Oct 31 2020, 06:12 PM)
Dear friends and followers of today I am happy to celebrate with you an outstanding achievement!
ALL the six models participating to the Miss Barefooting Universe contest
have qualified for quarter-finals, shutting out the competition! A resounding 6-0 triumph!
Given the quality of the opponents (the top models of City Feet and Toes-In-Action websites), this is an extraordinary result!
Out of eight quarter-finalists in the contest, six are BUG models: AIKO, AMELIE, CHAT NOIR, IRIE, PERLANERA and SWAINS! CONGRATS! smile.gif
I hope that you will like the special poster that I have prepared to celebrate this outstanding achievement!
Well.. may not offer the fanciest layout.. the biggest photo&video-library.. or the highest definition videos..
but probably it offers the MOST CHARMING BAREFOOT BEAUTIES OF THE PLANET.. don't you think? wink.gif

Ciao Feetosopher, thank you for your comment and for the fantastic, large size poster!

Well, the battles in some groups were really tough, and Barefoot Urban Girls models won by tight margins. But other models, Irie and especially Amelie, won by an avalanche. You surely were too pessimistic about the chances of your models. One of the finalists will necessarily be a Barefoot Urban Girl.
To be honest, I am very surprised and also rather upset that some wonderful City Feet and Toes-In-Action models received very few or no votes. Janina and Kira would have deserved more votes (surely more than Valeska, in my opinion), and especially gorgeous Yana (just one vote???).
I read the 6-0 shutout of Barefoot Urban Girls as a confirmation of my considerations about the very high average level of the girls that you work with.
Sadly the average quality of new debuts at City Feet has been declining (I am still waiting for a new girl worth the 40 $ monthly fee after Alla 2), and unless you are a fanatic of barefoot punk or hippy girls (no matter how they look like), the situation at Toes-In-Action is even worse: if you look beyond the extravagant (or ridiculous, to me) clothes, piercings, dreadlocks and rasta-style hairdos, most of the girls that debuted over the last 4-5 years have insignificant or ugly faces.
It seems that the majority of the forum members have been fascinated by the classic beauty of your girls. Congratulations, anyway.

P.S. One curiosity: out of the six Barefoot Urban Girls quarter-finalists, none is a blonde, and there are very few blondes left in groups G and H.

Ciao amico, you are most welcome! And thank you very much for your nice words about my models, and BUG in general! smile.gif
I suspect that from a business standpoint CF and TIA are still much more successful than BUG.. but surely I take pride
in BUG models' shutout victory in your contest.. we all need some consolations, don't we? wink.gif

Posted by: gb62da Nov 1 2020, 08:58 AM
I'm really happy all of the beautiful BUG/BN girls made it into the quarter finals. Up to now it was an exciting contest with so many beauties. Sometimes hard to vote, sometimes more easily.

But in the next rounds it will be by far more difficult to vote for me. As the level of beauty is so high now and all girls deserve being quarter finalists. Maybe sometimes I have to play dice... wink.gif

Posted by: nudescalze Nov 1 2020, 09:23 AM
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Oct 31 2020, 10:47 PM)
QUOTE (nudescalze @ Oct 31 2020, 10:13 PM)
E tedeschi e russi muti. VIVA L'ITALIA! / Germans and Russians in silence. VIVA ITALIA!

QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Oct 31 2020, 06:12 PM)
Well.. may not offer the fanciest layout.. the biggest photo&video-library.. or the highest definition videos..
but probably it offers the MOST CHARMING BAREFOOT BEAUTIES OF THE PLANET.. don't you think? wink.gif

Hmm.. are you a troll? This profile has not been used for a long time.. dry.gif
Whatever: I do not like this kind of comments.
It's obvious that I am happy about the results of the contest so far, and I am also proud of being Italian.
But I have great friends in Germany, and I have got a few friends also in Russia. BUG has had many German and Russian subscribers over the years.
CF and TIA have launched so many wonderful models, and I consider a huge privilege the fact that I have met some TIA models in person.
I hate this kind of soccer-style national rivalries. If you want to comment my posts, please show respect to the people that I like..
otherwise you are not showing respect to me.. OK? Thank you.

It does not matter who I am. I have voted for your girls because they deserved it. What a way to show your gratitude.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Nov 1 2020, 09:34 AM
QUOTE (gb62da @ Nov 1 2020, 08:58 AM)
I'm really happy all of the beautiful BUG/BN girls made it into the quarter finals. Up to now it was an exciting contest with so many beauties. Sometimes hard to vote, sometimes more easily.

But in the next rounds it will be by far more difficult to vote for me. As the level of beauty is so high now and all girls deserve being quarter finalists. Maybe sometimes I have to play dice... wink.gif

Hello gb62da, you are right. It will be even harder now to decide. But this demonstrates the very high level of the contestants who have qualified for quarter-finals so far.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Nov 1 2020, 09:36 AM
QUOTE (nudescalze @ Nov 1 2020, 09:23 AM)
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Oct 31 2020, 10:47 PM)
QUOTE (nudescalze @ Oct 31 2020, 10:13 PM)
E tedeschi e russi muti. VIVA L'ITALIA! / Germans and Russians in silence. VIVA ITALIA!

QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Oct 31 2020, 06:12 PM)
Well.. may not offer the fanciest layout.. the biggest photo&video-library.. or the highest definition videos..
but probably it offers the MOST CHARMING BAREFOOT BEAUTIES OF THE PLANET.. don't you think? wink.gif

Hmm.. are you a troll? This profile has not been used for a long time.. dry.gif
Whatever: I do not like this kind of comments.
It's obvious that I am happy about the results of the contest so far, and I am also proud of being Italian.
But I have great friends in Germany, and I have got a few friends also in Russia. BUG has had many German and Russian subscribers over the years.
CF and TIA have launched so many wonderful models, and I consider a huge privilege the fact that I have met some TIA models in person.
I hate this kind of soccer-style national rivalries. If you want to comment my posts, please show respect to the people that I like..
otherwise you are not showing respect to me.. OK? Thank you.

It does not matter who I am. I have voted for your girls because they deserved it. What a way to show your gratitude.

Ciao, if you have to argue, please do that somewhere else, thank you.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Nov 1 2020, 09:41 AM
QUOTE (nudescalze @ Oct 31 2020, 10:13 PM)
E tedeschi e russi muti. VIVA L'ITALIA! / Germans and Russians in silence. VIVA ITALIA!

Ciao, are you Italian?
I do not think that it is a question of national rivalries. Some of the fondest supporters of City Feet and Toes-In-Action in this forum are actually American and British. And some of the fondest supporters of Barefoot Urban Girls in this forum are from German-speaking countries.
Your comments in my threads are welcome, but please do not use them to argue with other forum members, thank you.

Posted by: nudescalze Nov 1 2020, 02:27 PM
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Nov 1 2020, 09:41 AM)
QUOTE (nudescalze @ Oct 31 2020, 10:13 PM)
E tedeschi e russi muti. VIVA L'ITALIA! / Germans and Russians in silence. VIVA ITALIA!

Ciao, are you Italian?
I do not think that it is a question of national rivalries. Some of the fondest supporters of City Feet and Toes-In-Action in this forum are actually American and British. And some of the fondest supporters of Barefoot Urban Girls in this forum are from German-speaking countries.
Your comments in my threads are welcome, but please do not use them to argue with other forum members, thank you.

I am Italian but I work abroad for most of the year. I've had enough of the way they treat us Italians abroad. They automatically think that they are smarter than you. Their honeys took quite a beating in the contest. That's why they don't talk now.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Nov 1 2020, 03:14 PM
QUOTE (nudescalze @ Nov 1 2020, 02:27 PM)
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Nov 1 2020, 09:41 AM)
QUOTE (nudescalze @ Oct 31 2020, 10:13 PM)
E tedeschi e russi muti. VIVA L'ITALIA! / Germans and Russians in silence. VIVA ITALIA!

Ciao, are you Italian?
I do not think that it is a question of national rivalries. Some of the fondest supporters of City Feet and Toes-In-Action in this forum are actually American and British. And some of the fondest supporters of Barefoot Urban Girls in this forum are from German-speaking countries.
Your comments in my threads are welcome, but please do not use them to argue with other forum members, thank you.

I am Italian but I work abroad for most of the year. I've had enough of the way they treat us Italians abroad. They automatically think that they are smarter than you. Their honeys took quite a beating in the contest. That's why they don't talk now.

Ciao. I am sorry for your negative experience abroad. Now I get your point. I have been abroad on holiday only (Spain, Greece, Croatia), and I have been treated well.
As for the lack of reactions in this thread, I think that some forum members simply ignore the contest and my threads in general.

Posted by: Feetosopher Nov 1 2020, 03:50 PM
@nudescalze: thank you for voting for BUG models in the contest, I appreciate that. The point is that I have had my share of arguments on this forum, so I am trying to live a more relaxed existence here.
@barefootfootseeker: sorry amico.. you are right.. end of the argument, as far as I am concerned.

Posted by: Feetosopher Nov 1 2020, 03:51 PM
QUOTE (gb62da @ Nov 1 2020, 08:58 AM)
I'm really happy all of the beautiful BUG/BN girls made it into the quarter finals. Up to now it was an exciting contest with so many beauties. Sometimes hard to vote, sometimes more easily.

But in the next rounds it will be by far more difficult to vote for me. As the level of beauty is so high now and all girls deserve being quarter finalists. Maybe sometimes I have to play dice... wink.gif

Ciao amico, thank you so much for your nice words! One thing is for sure: I WILL NOT VOTE in quarter-finals 1, 2 and 3.. wink.gif

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Nov 1 2020, 07:09 PM
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Nov 1 2020, 03:50 PM)
@barefootfootseeker: sorry amico.. you are right.. end of the argument, as far as I am concerned.

Ciao Feetosopher, no problem.

Posted by: gb62da Nov 2 2020, 05:22 AM
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Nov 1 2020, 03:51 PM)
Ciao amico, thank you so much for your nice words! One thing is for sure: I WILL NOT VOTE in quarter-finals 1, 2 and 3.. wink.gif

But I will do... wink.gif

Posted by: nudescalze Nov 2 2020, 09:17 PM
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Nov 1 2020, 03:50 PM)
@nudescalze: thank you for voting for BUG models in the contest, I appreciate that. The point is that I have had my share of arguments on this forum, so I am trying to live a more relaxed existence here.

OK, I will consider that.

Posted by: nudescalze Nov 2 2020, 09:55 PM
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Nov 1 2020, 03:14 PM)
QUOTE (nudescalze @ Nov 1 2020, 02:27 PM)
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Nov 1 2020, 09:41 AM)
QUOTE (nudescalze @ Oct 31 2020, 10:13 PM)
E tedeschi e russi muti. VIVA L'ITALIA! / Germans and Russians in silence. VIVA ITALIA!

Ciao, are you Italian?
I do not think that it is a question of national rivalries. Some of the fondest supporters of City Feet and Toes-In-Action in this forum are actually American and British. And some of the fondest supporters of Barefoot Urban Girls in this forum are from German-speaking countries.
Your comments in my threads are welcome, but please do not use them to argue with other forum members, thank you.

I am Italian but I work abroad for most of the year. I've had enough of the way they treat us Italians abroad. They automatically think that they are smarter than you. Their honeys took quite a beating in the contest. That's why they don't talk now.

Ciao. I am sorry for your negative experience abroad. Now I get your point. I have been abroad on holiday only (Spain, Greece, Croatia), and I have been treated well.
As for the lack of reactions in this thread, I think that some forum members simply ignore the contest and my threads in general.

When you go on holiday abroad they treat you well because it's you paying them. When you go to work abroad they treat you badly because it's them paying you.

In spite of what you and The Feetosopher say, this forum is about rival gangs fighting for supremacy. They may not be based on nationality, OK, but there is the City Feet gang, the Toes-In-Action gang, the real life barefoot girls of the internet gang, and the Barefoot Urban Girls gang (which is the weakest one). I have studied the forum from the outside for a long time, there are very interesting social dynamics going on here. Some members would never say anything positive about the enemy site. Some even ignore the threads dealing with that site. You, The Feetosopher and 1-2 other guys move across a slightly wider territory, but you have your taboos too. For instance, you hate Toes-In-Action rag dolls, but I have never seen any direct attack of yours to them in Hal's threads. The Feetosopher used to be more entertaining in the past, but he rarely shows his jaws now. You can clearly see hostility among gangs and individuals here, but outbursts of true verbal violence are rare. It is a polite hostility.
My provocative post about the beating that City Feet and Toes-In-Action models got by Barefoot Urban Girls models in your contest caused no other reaction than your own and The Feetosopher's. And instead of joining me in a celebration of Italian pride, you told me not to cause problems.
I had found my way into the forum to bring some lively trolling, but now I doubt that I would get any fun out of it. So do not worry, I will cause no problems in your threads.

Posted by: Feetosopher Nov 4 2020, 10:24 PM
QUOTE (nudescalze @ Nov 2 2020, 09:55 PM)
(...) The Feetosopher used to be more entertaining in the past, but he rarely shows his jaws now. (...)
My provocative post about the beating that City Feet and Toes-In-Action models got by Barefoot Urban Girls models in your contest caused no other reaction than your own and The Feetosopher's. And instead of joining me in a celebration of Italian pride, you told me not to cause problems. (...)

Well, you see.. the more I have grown old, the scarcer the energies and the time that I have been willing to spend feuding with certain (unpleasant, I'll be honest) lads here in the forum.
It's wiser to spend the little leisure time and energies that I have now in more rewarding activities. And to steer clear from endless verbal wars.. leading to no positive outcomes whatsoever for me.. wink.gif

Posted by: gb62da Nov 6 2020, 10:40 AM
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Nov 4 2020, 10:24 PM)
Well, you see.. the more I have grown old, the scarcer the energies and the time that I have been willing to spend feuding with certain (unpleasant, I'll be honest) lads here in the forum.
It's wiser to spend the little leisure time and energies that I have now in more rewarding activities. And to steer clear from endless verbal wars.. leading to no positive outcomes whatsoever for me.. wink.gif

Wise words. And well said, my friend!

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Nov 7 2020, 01:25 AM
Group G is now closed:

The final count is:
Linda from defunct sites Barefoot Forever/Postmodern Women: 4 votes
Ashley from Shoeless Girl Media: 3 votes
Rachel from Shoeless Girl Media: 2 votes
Maud from defunct sites Barefoot Forever/Postmodern Women: 0 votes

Linda wins Group G and proceeds to quarter-final 4.

Congratulations Linda!

Linda from defunct sites Barefoot Forever/Postmodern Women
user posted image

Posted by: michael0218 Nov 7 2020, 06:44 PM
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Oct 31 2020, 10:04 PM)
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Oct 31 2020, 06:12 PM)
Dear friends and followers of today I am happy to celebrate with you an outstanding achievement!
ALL the six models participating to the Miss Barefooting Universe contest
have qualified for quarter-finals, shutting out the competition! A resounding 6-0 triumph!
Given the quality of the opponents (the top models of City Feet and Toes-In-Action websites), this is an extraordinary result!
Out of eight quarter-finalists in the contest, six are BUG models: AIKO, AMELIE, CHAT NOIR, IRIE, PERLANERA and SWAINS! CONGRATS! smile.gif
I hope that you will like the special poster that I have prepared to celebrate this outstanding achievement!
Well.. may not offer the fanciest layout.. the biggest photo&video-library.. or the highest definition videos..
but probably it offers the MOST CHARMING BAREFOOT BEAUTIES OF THE PLANET.. don't you think? wink.gif

Ciao Feetosopher, thank you for your comment and for the fantastic, large size poster!

Well, the battles in some groups were really tough, and Barefoot Urban Girls models won by tight margins. But other models, Irie and especially Amelie, won by an avalanche. You surely were too pessimistic about the chances of your models. One of the finalists will necessarily be a Barefoot Urban Girl.
To be honest, I am very surprised and also rather upset that some wonderful City Feet and Toes-In-Action models received very few or no votes. Janina and Kira would have deserved more votes (surely more than Valeska, in my opinion), and especially gorgeous Yana (just one vote???).
I read the 6-0 shutout of Barefoot Urban Girls as a confirmation of my considerations about the very high average level of the girls that you work with.
Sadly the average quality of new debuts at City Feet has been declining (I am still waiting for a new girl worth the 40 $ monthly fee after Alla 2), and unless you are a fanatic of barefoot punk or hippy girls (no matter how they look like), the situation at Toes-In-Action is even worse: if you look beyond the extravagant (or ridiculous, to me) clothes, piercings, dreadlocks and rasta-style hairdos, most of the girls that debuted over the last 4-5 years have insignificant or ugly faces.
It seems that the majority of the forum members have been fascinated by the classic beauty of your girls. Congratulations, anyway.

P.S. One curiosity: out of the six Barefoot Urban Girls quarter-finalists, none is a blonde, and there are very few blondes left in groups G and H.

I'm in full agreement with you barefootfootseeker on the paucity of votes for so many worthy models from all the sites...but especially Yana.I mean, one vote???? I guess the cabal got togather and decided on that one. Once again, the prettiest model (IMO) gets punished in favor of a decidedly inferior candidate......I VOTE????? I mean, come on now. Kinda shoots to hell the credibility of these "best of" and GOAT tournaments. They aren't worth the time and effort anymore. Voting out of nationalistic loyalty and solidarity really sucks.

Posted by: Feetosopher Nov 7 2020, 09:34 PM
QUOTE (michael0218 @ Nov 7 2020, 06:44 PM)
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Oct 31 2020, 10:04 PM)
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Oct 31 2020, 06:12 PM)
Dear friends and followers of today I am happy to celebrate with you an outstanding achievement!
ALL the six models participating to the Miss Barefooting Universe contest
have qualified for quarter-finals, shutting out the competition! A resounding 6-0 triumph!
Given the quality of the opponents (the top models of City Feet and Toes-In-Action websites), this is an extraordinary result!
Out of eight quarter-finalists in the contest, six are BUG models: AIKO, AMELIE, CHAT NOIR, IRIE, PERLANERA and SWAINS! CONGRATS! smile.gif
I hope that you will like the special poster that I have prepared to celebrate this outstanding achievement!
Well.. may not offer the fanciest layout.. the biggest photo&video-library.. or the highest definition videos..
but probably it offers the MOST CHARMING BAREFOOT BEAUTIES OF THE PLANET.. don't you think? wink.gif

Ciao Feetosopher, thank you for your comment and for the fantastic, large size poster!

Well, the battles in some groups were really tough, and Barefoot Urban Girls models won by tight margins. But other models, Irie and especially Amelie, won by an avalanche. You surely were too pessimistic about the chances of your models. One of the finalists will necessarily be a Barefoot Urban Girl.
To be honest, I am very surprised and also rather upset that some wonderful City Feet and Toes-In-Action models received very few or no votes. Janina and Kira would have deserved more votes (surely more than Valeska, in my opinion), and especially gorgeous Yana (just one vote???).
I read the 6-0 shutout of Barefoot Urban Girls as a confirmation of my considerations about the very high average level of the girls that you work with.
Sadly the average quality of new debuts at City Feet has been declining (I am still waiting for a new girl worth the 40 $ monthly fee after Alla 2), and unless you are a fanatic of barefoot punk or hippy girls (no matter how they look like), the situation at Toes-In-Action is even worse: if you look beyond the extravagant (or ridiculous, to me) clothes, piercings, dreadlocks and rasta-style hairdos, most of the girls that debuted over the last 4-5 years have insignificant or ugly faces.
It seems that the majority of the forum members have been fascinated by the classic beauty of your girls. Congratulations, anyway.

P.S. One curiosity: out of the six Barefoot Urban Girls quarter-finalists, none is a blonde, and there are very few blondes left in groups G and H.

I'm in full agreement with you barefootfootseeker on the paucity of votes for so many worthy models from all the sites...but especially Yana.I mean, one vote???? I guess the cabal got togather and decided on that one. Once again, the prettiest model (IMO) gets punished in favor of a decidedly inferior candidate......I VOTE????? I mean, come on now. Kinda shoots to hell the credibility of these "best of" and GOAT tournaments. They aren't worth the time and effort anymore. Voting out of nationalistic loyalty and solidarity really sucks.

It is not entirely clear to me whom you are ranting at, michael0218.. is it maybe at the people who voted for BAREFOOT URBAN GIRLS models in the contest? smile.gif
And since Yana was in the same group as SWAINS.. are you maybe referring to SWAINS with that "decidedly inferior candidate"? smile.gif
I doubt that most of the votes for BUG models in the contest came from "national solidarity" among Italian members in the forum.. since only three Italian members declared their support to BUG models.. myself, barefootfootseeker (who did not always vote for BUG models, anyway), and scalza (ditto). nudescalze declared to have voted for BUG models only afterwards, and it seems that he is more interested in messing up things a bit in the forum, than in supporting BUG models in the contest. The outstanding 6-0 shutdown by BUG models vs. City Feet and TIA models was made possible by the declared support of several non-Italian forum members (many thanks to them! smile.gif )
As for the credibility of barefootfootseeker's Miss Barefooting Universe contest.. I would bet my balls that you would not have questioned the credibility of the contest in case all the six BUG models were eliminated in the group stage by City Feet or TIA models.. wouldn't you? wink.gif
Whatever.. I am grateful to barefootfootseeker for having set up and managed this fantastic Miss Barefooting Universe contest.. and I hope that he does not consider it a wasted effort.. smile.gif

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Nov 8 2020, 07:11 PM
QUOTE (michael0218 @ Nov 7 2020, 06:44 PM)
I'm in full agreement with you barefootfootseeker on the paucity of votes for so many worthy models from all the sites...but especially Yana.I mean, one vote???? I guess the cabal got togather and decided on that one. Once again, the prettiest model (IMO) gets punished in favor of a decidedly inferior candidate......I VOTE????? I mean, come on now.  Kinda shoots to hell the credibility of these "best of" and GOAT tournaments. They aren't worth the time and effort anymore. Voting out of nationalistic loyalty and solidarity really sucks.

Hello, michael0218. Whereas I fully understand and share your frustration about Yana (and also Janina and Kira of Toes-In-Action did not receive the appreciation that they deserve, in my opinion), I disagree with your considerations about the contest as a whole. It is obvious that a contest in this forum is not representative by definition: there are probably less than 20 members active on a regular basis here, and some of them systematically ignore any thread that I start (except those where I express my disappointment for the decline of City Feet in terms of the quality of the models). It is clear that I have started this contest just for fun, but it has been worth the effort so far, and in any case the results of a democratic consultation must be accepted. It is clear that the majority of voters preferred the six models representing Barefoot Urban Girls. If you will continue voting in the contest, I will be happy for that.
P.S: your reference to nationalism gave me the idea to start a thread on the topic. Thank you for the inspiration.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Nov 8 2020, 07:15 PM
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Nov 7 2020, 09:34 PM)
I am grateful to barefootfootseeker for having set up and managed this fantastic Miss Barefooting Universe contest.. and I hope that he does not consider it a wasted effort.. smile.gif

Ciao Feetosopher, you are welcome. See my reply to michael0218: I do not think that I have wasted time and energies with this contest. I am having fun, and I see that other forum members are having fun, too. This is the only thing that matters, in the end.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Nov 8 2020, 07:20 PM
Vote for Group H is now open.
You can vote here:

Vote closes on 13/11/20 at 22 Italian time

More information on the contestants in the sites below.

1) Olga Gavva
2) Cecilia Descalza
3) Nastya Deiniris
4) Dashley Driveby:
5) JorahTheAndal:

Tie-breaking criterion: in case two or more contestants are tied with the same number of votes, the tie will be broken by the number of
"declared" votes that each contestant has received. This means, the number of forum members who publicly declared their vote for each contestant.
If two or more contestants are tied also in terms of "declared" votes, a tie-breaking poll will be held.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Nov 13 2020, 09:12 PM
Group H is now closed:

The final count is:
JorahTheAndal: 4 votes
Nastya Deiniris: 3 votes
Cecilia Descalza: 2 votes
Dashley Driveby: 1 vote
Olga Gavva: 0 votes

JorahTheAndal wins Group H, and proceeds to quarter-final 4, where she will clash with Linda of defunct sites Barefoot Forever / Post Modern Women.

Congratulations, JorahTheAndal!

Posted by: Feetosopher Nov 14 2020, 11:59 AM
JorahTheAndal is s stunner, and her husband takes wonderful pictures of her! She fully deserves to be in the quarter-finals! Congrats! wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif
P.S. 0 votes for the legendary OLGA GAVVA???? unsure.gif

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Nov 15 2020, 06:26 PM
Here is the program for the quarter-finals of the Miss Barefooting Universe contest:

Quarter-final 1: Aiko vs. Amelie

Quarter-final 2: Chat Noir vs. Irie

Quarter-final 3: Perlanera vs. Swains

Quarter-final 4: Linda of Barefoot Forever vs. JorahTheAndal

Tie-breaking criterion: in case the two contestants are tied with the same number of votes, the tie will be broken by the number of
"declared" votes that each contestant has received. This means, the number of forum members who publicly declared their vote for each contestant.
If the two contestants are tied also in terms of "declared" votes, the model who got more votes in the Group stage, based on official results, will qualify for the semi-final.
If the two contestants are still tied, a "sudden death" rematch will be held: the first model to get three votes will proceed to the semi-finals.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Nov 15 2020, 06:40 PM
Vote in quarter-final 1 is now open:

user posted image
Picture courtesy of Barefoot Urban Girls

Here are some pictures of the contestants:

Aiko of Barefoot Urban Girls

Amelie of Barefoot Urban Girls

Tie-breaking criterion: in case the two contestants are tied with the same number of votes, the tie will be broken by the number of
"declared" votes that each contestant has received. This means, the number of forum members who publicly declared their vote for each contestant.
If the two contestants are tied also in terms of "declared" votes, the model who got more votes in the Group stage, based on official results, will qualify for the semi-final.
If the two contestants are still tied, a "sudden death" rematch will be held: the first model to get three votes will proceed to the semi-finals.

Posted by: Feetosopher Nov 15 2020, 10:50 PM
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Nov 15 2020, 06:26 PM)
Here is the program for the quarter-finals of the Miss Barefooting Universe contest:

Quarter-final 1: Aiko vs. Amelie

Quarter-final 2: Chat Noir vs. Irie

Quarter-final 3: Perlanera vs. Swains

Quarter-final 4: Linda of Barefoot Forever vs. JorahTheAndal

Pretty obviously, I will not vote in quarter-finals 1, 2 and 3. And I will not vote in quarter-final 4, too.
Yet I am ultra-curious to see who will win the contest.
And since dreams are for free.. I hope in an all-BUG final.. wink.gif

P.S. @barefootfootseeker: well done on using my promotional stuff for the "BUG quarter-finals"! smile.gif
I will be glad to advertise them in my BAREFOOT URBAN GIRLS main thread, too! wink.gif

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Nov 16 2020, 10:25 PM
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Nov 15 2020, 10:50 PM)
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Nov 15 2020, 06:26 PM)
Here is the program for the quarter-finals of the Miss Barefooting Universe contest:

Quarter-final 1: Aiko vs. Amelie

Quarter-final 2: Chat Noir vs. Irie

Quarter-final 3: Perlanera vs. Swains

Quarter-final 4: Linda of Barefoot Forever vs. JorahTheAndal

Pretty obviously, I will not vote in quarter-finals 1, 2 and 3. And I will not vote in quarter-final 4, too.
Yet I am ultra-curious to see who will win the contest.
And since dreams are for free.. I hope in an all-BUG final.. wink.gif

P.S. @barefootfootseeker: well done on using my promotional stuff for the "BUG quarter-finals"! smile.gif
I will be glad to advertise them in my BAREFOOT URBAN GIRLS main thread, too! wink.gif

Ciao Feetosopher. As I already wrote, I understand your decision, at least for quarter-finals that involve Barefoot Urban Girls models. I am very glad that you approve the use of one of your promotional pictures to advertise the quarter-finals of my contest on your site.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Nov 21 2020, 09:20 PM
Quarter-final 1 is now closed:

The final count is:
Amelie of Barefoot Urban Girls: 7 votes
Aiko of Barefoot Urban Girls: 5 votes

Amelie qualifies for semi-final A.

Congratulations, Amelie!

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Posted by: barefootfootseeker Nov 21 2020, 09:31 PM
Vote in quarter-final 2 is now open:

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Picture courtesy of Barefoot Urban Girls

Here you can find some pictures of the contestants

Chat Noir of Barefoot Urban Girls

Irie of Barefoot Urban Girls

Tie-breaking criterion: in case the two contestants are tied with the same number of votes, the tie will be broken by the number of
"declared" votes that each contestant has received. This means, the number of forum members who publicly declared their vote for each contestant.
If the two contestants are tied also in terms of "declared" votes, the model who got more votes in the Group stage, based on official results, will qualify for the semi-final.
If the two contestants are still tied, a "sudden death" rematch will be held: the first model to get three votes will proceed to the semi-finals.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Nov 28 2020, 09:15 AM
Quarter-final 2 is now closed:

The final count is:
Irie of Barefoot Urban Girls: 8 votes
Chat Noir of Barefoot Urban Girls: 7 votes

Irie qualifies for semi-final A, where she will clash against Amelie of Barefoot Urban Girls.

Congratulations, Irie!

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Posted by: barefootfootseeker Nov 28 2020, 09:26 AM
Vote in quarter-final 3 is now open:

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Picture courtesy of Barefoot Urban Girls

Here are some pictures of the contestants:

Perlanera of Barefoot Urban Girls

Swains of Barefoot Urban Girls

Tie-breaking criterion: in case the two contestants are tied with the same number of votes, the tie will be broken by the number of
"declared" votes that each contestant has received. This means, the number of forum members who publicly declared their vote for each contestant.
If the two contestants are tied also in terms of "declared" votes, the model who got more votes in the Group stage, based on official results, will qualify for the semi-final.
If the two contestants are still tied, a "sudden death" rematch will be held: the first model to get three votes will proceed to the semi-finals.

Posted by: gb62da Nov 29 2020, 06:38 AM
Despite me voting for Chat Noir: congratulations to Irie! It was a tough race.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Dec 5 2020, 11:53 PM
Quarter-final 3 is now closed:

The final count is:
Swains of Barefoot Urban Girls: 9 votes
Perlanera of Barefoot Urban Girls: 2 votes

Swains wins quarter-final 3, and proceeds to semi-final B.

Congratulations, Swains!

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Posted by: gb62da Dec 6 2020, 07:37 AM
Congratulations to SWAINS!!! Well deserved! smile.gif

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Dec 6 2020, 11:09 AM
Vote in quarter-final 4 is now open:

Here you can find some pictures of the contestants:

Linda from defunct sites Barefoot Forever / Postmodernwomen


Tie-breaking criterion: in case the two contestants are tied with the same number of votes, the tie will be broken by the number of
"declared" votes that each contestant has received. This means, the number of forum members who publicly declared their vote for each contestant.
If the two contestants are tied also in terms of "declared" votes, the model who got more votes in the Group stage, based on official results, will qualify for the semi-final.
If the two contestants are still tied, a "sudden death" rematch will be held: the first model to get three votes will proceed to the semi-finals.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Dec 12 2020, 09:55 PM
Quarter-final 4 is now closed:

The final count is:
Linda: 7 votes
JorahTheAndal: 7 votes

The final tie-breaker situation is:
Linda: 5 declared votes.
JorahTheAndal: 1 declared vote.

Linda from defunct sites Barefoot Forever / Postmodernwomen wins quarter-final 4 at the tie-break, and proceeds to semi-final B,
where she will fight against Swains of Barefoot Urban Girls.

Congratulations, Linda!

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Posted by: barefootfootseeker Dec 13 2020, 08:47 AM
Semi-final A is now open:

Here you can find some pictures of the contestants

Amelie of Barefoot Urban Girls

Irie of Barefoot Urban Girls

Tie-breaking criterion: in case the two contestants are tied with the same number of votes, the tie will be broken by the number of
"declared" votes that each contestant has received. This means, the number of forum members who publicly declared their vote for each contestant.
If the two contestants are tied also in terms of "declared" votes, the model who got more votes in the quarter-finals, based on official results, will qualify for the final.
If the two contestants are still tied, a "sudden death" rematch will be held: the first model to get three votes will proceed to the final.

Posted by: gb62da Dec 13 2020, 02:18 PM
Congratulations to Linda!

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Dec 18 2020, 09:55 PM
Semi-final A is now closed:

The final count is:
Amelie: 8 votes
Irie: 4 votes

Amelie of Barefoot Urban Girls qualifies for the final! Congratulations!

user posted image

Posted by: gb62da Dec 19 2020, 07:16 AM
Congratulations to cute Amelie!

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Dec 19 2020, 09:02 AM
Semi-final B is now open:

Here are some pictures of the contestants:

Swains of Barefoot Urban Girls

Linda from defunct sites Barefoot Forever / Postmodernwomen

Tie-breaking criterion: in case the two contestants are tied with the same number of votes, the tie will be broken by the number of
"declared" votes that each contestant has received. This means, the number of forum members who publicly declared their vote for each contestant.
If the two contestants are tied also in terms of "declared" votes, the model who got more votes in the quarter-finals, based on official results, will qualify for the final.
If the two contestants are still tied, a "sudden death" rematch will be held: the first model to get three votes will proceed to the final.

Posted by: shifter Dec 19 2020, 07:20 PM
Congratulations Amelie!

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Dec 26 2020, 09:21 PM
Semi-final B is now closed:

It was a very tough, vote-by-vote battle between Linda and Swains, decided by a single (and sadly anonymous) vote cast on Christmas day.

The final count is:
Linda from defunct sites Barefoot Forever / Postmodernwomen: 9 votes
Swains of Barefoot Urban Girls: 8 votes

Linda wins semi-final B and qualifies for the final, where she will fight against Amelie of Barefoot Urban Girls for the title of Miss Barefooting Universe.

Congratulations, Linda! (sorry, it is always the same two pictures of her, but there are very few remaining ones around)

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Posted by: barefootfootseeker Dec 26 2020, 09:42 PM
The FINAL to elect Miss Barefooting Universe is now open:

Amelie of Barefoot Urban Girls will fight against Linda from defunct sites Barefoot Forever / Postmodernwomen for the title.

Here are some pictures of the contestants:

Amelie of Barefoot Urban Girls

Linda from defunct sites Barefoot Forever / Postmodernwomen

Tie-breaking criterion: in case the two contestants are tied with the same number of votes, the tie will be broken by the number of
"declared" votes that each contestant has received. This means, the number of forum members who publicly declared their vote for each contestant.
If the two contestants are tied also in terms of "declared" votes, the model who got more votes in the semi-finals, based on official results, will win the title.
If the two contestants are still tied, a "sudden death" rematch of the final will be held: the first model to get three votes will win the title.

Posted by: Feetosopher Dec 26 2020, 11:45 PM
C'mon boys & girls.. cast your vote in THE FINAL..

.. and show your love for cheerfully gorgeous AMELIE! wink.gif

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Posted by: barefootfootseeker Dec 27 2020, 11:23 AM
Thank you very much for the free pictures, Feetosopher. They are always very welcome.

Posted by: Feetosopher Dec 27 2020, 12:35 PM
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ Dec 27 2020, 11:23 AM)
Thank you very much for the free pictures, Feetosopher. They are always very welcome.

Always a pleasure amico.. ciao! wink.gif

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Dec 29 2020, 10:04 AM
IMPORTANT NOTICE! Due to personal reasons, the contest will be closed on Thursday 31/12/2020 at noon, Italian time.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Dec 31 2020, 11:03 AM
The final is closed!

The final count is:
Amelie of Barefoot Urban Girls: 12 votes
Linda from defunct sites Barefoot Forever / Postmodernwomen: 3 votes

I officially declare Amelie "Miss Barefooting Universe"! Congratulations!

The title will allow Amelie to take part in the Miss BF Universe: Super Six contest, that will start in January 2021:

Amelie in her first solo photoset on Barefoot Urban Girls
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Amelie in her latest solo photoset on Barefoot Urban Girls
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Posted by: Feetosopher Dec 31 2020, 12:01 PM
Well, this gloomy 2020 ends with a merry note for The Poor Ol' Feetosopher and
CONGRATULATIONS, AMELIE! wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif

BUG subscribers can enjoy the full-resolution version (tongue.gif), but I am glad to post here a low-resolution version of the special poster that has prepared to celebrate this outstanding achievement..
and I have to remind you that there were six BAREFOOT URBAN GIRLS models out of eight quarter-finalists in the contest! cool.gif

I am also happy to share with you some key facts and figures about Miss Barefooting Universe.. the cheerfully gorgeous AMELIE! smile.gif

AMELIE - Miss Barefooting Universe
Feet size: 38EU/7.5US
Height: 168 cm / 5' 6''
Age: 28
Profession: architect - interior design specialist
Hobbies: semi-pro basketball (as playmaker); scuba diving; modelling
Cars: BMW 3 series / Renegade Jeep

Debut session: Venice (Italy), September 09, 2016 (with her real-life friend SWAINS)
2017: one session in Mantova (Italy) with SWAINS - bikini special
2018: 2 "Barefoot Lifestyle" all-day solo sessions in Peschiera del Garda and Desenzano del Garda (Italy);
1 barefoot fashion shooting with SWAINS in Bologna (Italy)
2019: 3 "Barefoot Lifestyle" all-day solo sessions in Mantova, Sabbioneta and Verona (Italy)

2016: "Newcomer of the Year" at BAREFOOT URBAN GIRLS:
2018: Runner-up, BUG "Golden Five" TOP MODEL contest:
2020: "Miss Barefooting Universe":

AMELIE is a exclusive! cool.gif

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