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City-feet members' message board > To walk or not to walk? > An American City Feet |
Posted by: michael0218 Jun 21 2015, 12:03 PM |
What's the consensus here regarding an American City Feet? Do you think it would work? Is barefooting held in the same regard in the States as opposed to Russia, Germany and other European countries? I personally have my doubts, but I may be're opinions please!! |
Posted by: icebluejay Jun 21 2015, 02:41 PM |
Being barefoot in public is extremely frowned upon in the United States (which happens to be my country). But an American city-feet, because of this very fact, might be even more "exotic" and attractive to some people due to forbidden fruit effect |
Posted by: shifter Jun 21 2015, 03:28 PM |
as america has one of the biggest porn industry in the world, i honestly see no reason why it should not work, but i assume the main problem is the missing initiator. especially in the SF area you would have plenty of models that you could book for a city-feet themed website. |
Posted by: michael0218 Jun 21 2015, 05:46 PM | ||
Yeah,I happen to agree with you here...the U.S. just isn't cool anymore when it comes to barefooting. The laws about going in stores barefoot are so oppressive. I also think that a model would have to rely on the protection of the guy doing the filming as well. This may differ from city to city, but in some places I bet the model would be "hit on" mighty fierce, as so many guys here have no discretion when it comes to a sexy barefoot girl strutting her stuff in public settings. It's a cultural thing as well, as in Russia, I don't think they've lost sight of the innocent pleasure of a girl going barefoot. I know that in the CF vids the overwhelming majority (just about all) of onlookers and people in the midst of the barefoot model are shod, but they're pretty cool about it, like they aren't obsessed with shoes and footwear like in the U.S. I don't think it would be that way over here. There would always be some out of control asshole that would ruin it all, IMO. I hope someone else may have a different opinion about this. |
Posted by: michael0218 Jun 21 2015, 05:49 PM | ||
Yeah, probably SF, and other relatively "cool" areas of the country...maybe in Oregon or Washington state maybe, but even then I would hope that the initiator would try to emulate CF in terms of the artistic quality of the production. |
Posted by: michael0218 Jun 21 2015, 05:51 PM |
Just 20, 25 years ago things were different...a more laid back attitude in young women going to grocery stores and doing their shopping barefoot...I really miss that. It was so cool. |
Posted by: Barefoot Guy Jun 22 2015, 01:08 AM | ||
I have my doubts. I say this from a business perspective. The interests we have are a fairly narrow niche, not mainstream. There is competition and we have seen many sites fail (Parrotsites, Earthgirrrl, Barefoot Kajira, the original CityFeet and more). We haven't heard from Gypsy Barefoot Cecilia and others. A site's costs include (but not limited to) paying the models, the computer hardware, Internet access, photographer, updates, site hosting and payment collection. Anyone investing in the venture of a new site wants a good rate of return. To achieve this, he/she needs customers. That's the challenge. |
Posted by: Mike123 Jun 22 2015, 09:04 AM |
Hard for me to say whether it'd work being in the UK. But I'd point out from the point of view of a relatively frequent visitor that the US seems a schizophrenic on the issue: I've seen a few barefoot girls while in the US and no-one seemed bothered (OK, some of this was in towns close to the beach in CA where I guess things are pretty laid back) but also there's the No Shoes No Service thing which is unheard of here in the UK and around Europe. So rules seem uptight but attitudes seem pretty liberal - but that's a visitor talking. Barefoot girls here in the UK are regarded with the same blithe indifference as we see in Russia. So it'd be great if there were an American CF - then we could understand what the girls were saying too. Even better though, would be UK City Feet: our weather means that much of the time the girls will face dreary cool and wet conditions - even now in June as I look out of the window. Perfect for a barefoot girl website. Incidentally, if you're not aware of it this site comes closest, though it's a bit of a mix of everything. The great thing is that the 'model' is well over 25 and well over 35, I'd guess which for me is ideal. Mike123 |
Posted by: shifter Jun 22 2015, 03:09 PM | ||||||
i guess thats the point, this is such a niche, you can only start this out with your enthusiasm and willing to spend lots of time an money into your project, and not even thing about getting a payback. so with that in mind, you either be rich and do it just for own fun, or you are having a dayjob and doing this as a hobby in your sparetime and aso you need to have a partner that is happy with such a "hobby" and also does either contribute to it or at least support it. i guess the acceptance of your partner plays a huge role. people are spending so much money for their hobby so i guess it just a matter of preference and priorities where you put this into. but also, you need to have the guts to shoot in public, and not be chicken shit about it and worry about what other people might say to you and be afraid of their looks. you have to do lots of work = shootings, before you even start a website, no one will ever join a site with just having a dozen of photosets online, so first you need to create a nice back catalog and also keeping in mind having them done at proper quality. i guess, such a thing can only start out of you own enthusiasm on a pretty much "as much you can do, do it yourself basis", You do it because you love it and then after some time, you decide if you want to put those stuff up on sale on a website (again lots of work) or just keep it for your private amusment. i have huge respects for paul, halheaven and feetosopher and many more who do what they do and contribute us with absolute breathtaking material, i frankly could not do it. |
Posted by: greggeek Jun 22 2015, 06:51 PM |
It would work on n Santa Cruz California. There are many barefooters there |
Posted by: DG2001 Jun 22 2015, 07:13 PM |
Sadly, it wouldn't work. American girls would ask too much money per session. The cost would be prohibitive. |
Posted by: bfwatcher Jun 23 2015, 09:32 PM | ||
I agree. That would be a perfect site! ![]() |
Posted by: TwoTubMan3 Jun 24 2015, 01:19 AM |
As a female feet fan in America, I can tell you such a site would not work in this country. The porn industry may be booming, but the idea of a site dedicated to female feet in a non S&M context here would be taboo. As crazy as that sounds. You can find crazy, and disgusting, sites dedicated to all sorts of fetishes in this country. But good luck finding a quality foot site like City Feet; a non porn, non bondage/S&M, non "food on feet" site (you won't believe how many sites are dedicated to bare feet smashing eggs and tomatoes, etc.) It's totally upside down, but that's what the U.S.A. has become. Overcome with trash culture, vulgarity and open access to all sorts of deviant stuff online, but God forbid a woman walks barefoot into a mall or train station. She'd be arrested now. This bizarre combination of deviance and puritan beliefs just emerged over the last 10-15 years. In the '80s, when I came of age, it was different. Women walked barefoot all over the place. Spring quarter at my university, the shoes came off - girls went barefoot all over campus, even to classes. When I worked at a video rental store, it was not uncommon for a woman to walk in barefoot. And I didn't live in southern California or near the ocean. I grew up in the midwest. It's possible Goth chicks or arty chicks in the U.S. now would be into an American City Feet site, but you would not have the variety of women (including the "girl next door types") you have on this site. Plus, American women are so shoe and pedicure obsessed now. Walking barefoot in public would, God forbid, mess up their expensive "peddies." |
Posted by: Feetosopher Jun 24 2015, 10:56 AM | ||
Dear friend, I am truly relieved when I see people who have a correct understanding of what's behind a site like my own Besides being smart entrepreneurs, Arnaud, Paul and Hal had the advantage of being first movers when the adult entertainment on internet was in its development stage. I suppose that they can get good margins from their sites mainly for this reason. I started as a (hobby) digital footographer over ten years ago, and launched my own paysites only when this market was well into its maturity, and increasingly eroded by the plethora of free content shared by people on social networks (be it commercial stuff illegally shared, or original amateur content). I can make a margin on only.. which also "subsidizes" BAREFOOT URBAN GIRLS. I would be losing money with BAREFOOT URBAN GIRLS alone, no matter the fact that the sessions for BAREFOOT NUDITY cost from twice to 7-8 times more than the sessions for BAREFOOT URBAN GIRLS. In any case, my sites can only be a self-funding, serious hobby.. I could NEVER earn a living on them. This said.. I really don't know whether an "American City Feet" would work.. and frankly speaking I strongly hope that IT WILL NOT WORK, as the USA are the biggest market for adult entertainment, and most American customers buy non-American stuff only when they are forced to (because no such stuff is offered by American vendors). If American customers had the chance to enjoy American barefoot beauties getting their soles dirty in American cities, I am pretty sure that they would soon quit subscribing to City Feet, Toes-In-Action, Barefoot Forever and my own BAREFOOT URBAN GIRLS.. and the four of us (Paul, Hal, Arnaud and myself) would have to compete in an even smaller market, with mostly European customers. I am lucky enough to have launched BAREFOOT NUDITY as (especially after Russia-based PUBLIC SLUTS, with lots of City Feet models starring, has gone out of business) it is fairly unique in its kind.. sites like Jan Vels' NUDE IN PUBLIC cater to a partially overlapping customer base, but put no emphasis at all on dirty feet.. and I could never compete with them, anyway. |
Posted by: Southerncrossfire44 Jun 24 2015, 06:20 PM |
Yeah, I don’t think an American City Feet would work, for all of the reasons mentioned by Barefoot Guy, shifter, DG and TwoTubMan3. Frankly, if there was going to be a successful American City Feet, it would already exist, since, as Feetosopher aptly pointed out, the market for outdoor barefooting/dirty feet material is small, and the big players are well established (and there’s no real demand for something better, because the big players all offer outstanding content already). On a slightly more positive note, I actually like the fact that so much great content can be found from Europe/Russia, and even South America. I can see pretty American girls every day (although rarely completely barefoot), but I can only see beauties from other countries through the internet. So I, for one, would still be very interested in material from abroad, even if there was an American alternative. |
Posted by: Feetosopher Jun 24 2015, 07:49 PM | ||
Brilliant analysis as usual, amico! ![]() IMMO, the size of our reference market is very small ON A WORLD SCALE.. as a latecomer, I am already forced to sweep up the crumbs falling from Paul's or Hal's table (Arnaud is a great footographer, but I think that his relying on a single model makes him a weak competitor). If I wanted to gain market share at City Feet's and/or at Toes-In-Action's expense, I would need to make investments (in terms of both money and time) which I simply cannot afford.. for instance, switching to two weekly updates, to bigger pictures, to new full-HD vids every week, and to launching 2-3 new models every month. If a US-based entrepreneur (or weirdo like me, it does not matter) wanted to find customers for his/her "American City Feet", he/she would need to make substantial investments, as some members who commented before rightly observed. 1,000 pics and 10 vids are OK if you want to start a small-scale, "cult" website like BAREFOOT URBAN GIRLS.. but to put moguls like Hal or Paul under TRUE pressure, you need to start with at least 10,000 hi-res pics and 100 full-HD vids of at least 40-50 different, world-class models.. I doubt that there is anyone in such a position in the US at present. |
Posted by: michael0218 Jun 25 2015, 03:59 AM |
I agree with Feetosopher....and by the way, my thread question was just out of curiosity....there's no need for an American City Feet...there's no way that such a venture could possibly improve on the work of Paul, Hal, Feetosopher and Arnaud,....neither in the quality of the models, or the artistic quality of the site's format. |
Posted by: Footlovr Jun 27 2015, 10:30 PM |
I think is as close to an American version of CF that I've seen. |
Posted by: shifter Jun 28 2015, 02:41 PM | ||
ssf is also one of those sites that have been around since like forever and they have quite some good dirty foot content, even though its not very much, i especially enjoy their dirty foot licking videos which is a pretty rare thing still those days, but also expensive though, with the cost of one video you will get a months membership somewhere else.. some time ago their were a couple showing some youtube videos called "freaks in public", all in barefeet with dirty soles, also somehow dissapeared, what a pity i really like the nude-in-public site too, but its a shame there is not much focus on their dirty soles, if it would, it would be killer. neither does the public-sluts site, so the only sites that fill this niche are feetosphers urban nudity page, and also from italy.. lexo |
Posted by: Feetosopher Jun 28 2015, 03:11 PM | ||
If Jan Vels added a bit of dirty feet fetish to NIP, he would win the relatively few customers who are into this, but at the risk of losing the many customers who are totally uninterested in feet (and I think that they are the majority). This said, I agree with you that NIP would become galactic to us all!!! ![]() I wrote to Jan a couple of times to see whether he was interested in cooperating with me, but he never cared to reply (no surprise!). IMMO, the turn-down with NIP is that shootings are held in countries where public nudity is allowed or at least tolerated. In Italy, you would surely be arrested if you went around like NIP models do.. my own models would face legal consequences if "caught in the act". The "forbidden" element adds spice to the meal (for me at least), and in NIP it is totally absent. Public Sluts went out of business some months ago. LEXO is great (BTW, she is a real-life friend of BAREFOOT NUDITY model ELENOIRE! ![]() So yes, for what I know my own is the only site around which combines barefooting & dirty feet fetish with urban exhibitionism and erotica. Thank you for your mention, amico.. ciao! ![]() |
Posted by: Duffman847 Jul 28 2015, 02:02 AM | ||
Close? ![]() It's like comparing Chelsea football club with Kidderminster Harriers! |
Posted by: Duffman847 Aug 3 2015, 06:43 PM |
Hot topic so.... BUMP! |
Posted by: michael0218 Aug 3 2015, 09:32 PM |
When I started this thread, the question involved was a rhetorical one, to be sure. I myself don't see any need at all for an American City wouldn't be done right, and would straight away be seen as an inferior copy. City Feet is unique, one of a kind. |
Posted by: Duffman847 Aug 3 2015, 09:52 PM | ||
Absolutely! Although nothing could match CF, I myself would like to see SOUTH american girls, like Brazilians and Peruvians on a site like this. Indeed, Peru in particular seems like a country that appreciates its barefooters, because they have that special dance I can't spell ("Marinera Nortena", is it?) and bare feet are mandatory for women regardless of where they perform. There also seems to be an appreciation of rural heritage that is quite endearing. Curiously, I remember as a kid I had this book which showed the traditional dress of men and women in countries across the world - i.e men in Scotland wearing kilts. Then it got to Peru, and it was the only country which showed women in a gypsy-style skirt and bare feet as the national dress. For many years I harbored the belief that Peruvian women went barefoot EVERYWHERE 24/7 365 days a year ![]() Sometimes I still want to believe it.... |
Posted by: michael0218 Aug 3 2015, 11:33 PM |
Likewise, I was watching a Miss Universe contest years ago and observed the national costumes in the opening ceremonies...all the girls from European, African, Asian countries, and the U.S. included, were decked out in their folk attire and whatnot, and lo and behold, Miss Colombia wore a leg revealing dress, a peasant type blouse, and was barefoot!! She was my favorite from that point on, and though all the contestants, including Miss Colombia wore shoes from then on, that beauty from Bogata made a lasting impression on me...needless to say, she was HOT....but I can't remember if she won or not. I too am a fan of the Marinera Nortena dancers...especially DG's girl Yuditza. ![]() |
Posted by: Southerncrossfire44 Aug 6 2015, 02:57 PM |
I would definitely like to see more South American girls, too. I especially like the girls like Yuditza, with the strong indigenous looks; the great cheekbones and the straight, dark hair. I'm sure if DG can make it happen, he will! I also used to enjoy the pics by Wei Jiang, who ran the cn-barefoot site, with Chinese girls. It seems like he's given up on the English speaking market, though, and I don't think he's updating much anymore. |
Posted by: DBF Oct 30 2016, 11:24 AM |
It's already being done on a smaller scale via Tumblr Flkr Deviant Art ect ,where there are pages devoted to dirty feet ,shot by the photographer who made the page or the user who has compiled web finds. One American site that has some things in common with CF is Hippie Goddess |
Posted by: DG2001 Nov 1 2016, 01:08 AM | ||
Thanks a lot for your appreciation to Yuditza, she is not a 24/7 barefooter but she uses to walk barefoot outside, both in the street and specially on rural trails, full of sharp gravel. She has a YouTube channel too. |
Posted by: DG2001 Nov 1 2016, 01:10 AM | ||||
That story about the book is a nice one Duffman, thanks for sharing! Sadly Peruvian girls are not 24/7 barefooters. In rural towns, specialy on those of the Amazon Jungle, there do exist true 24/7 barefooter girls, but rarely in cities. On the other hand, "Marinera Norteña" is a very popular and beloved dance here, and yes, the girls train a lot and are able to dance barefoot even on very hot pavement and harsh, coarse surfaces. |
Posted by: michael0218 Nov 1 2016, 08:57 PM |
DG, Yuditza may not be a 24 hour a day barefooter, but she sure comes close...she's a stunningly lovely, sexy girl and I look forward to seeing more updates on her, as well as other Latina/South American barefoot girls. ![]() |
Posted by: DG2001 Nov 3 2016, 01:33 AM |
Thanks a lot Michael! I am sure Yuditza will be very happy to know her fans appreciate her photos and her barefoot way of life. These are the most recent photos she posted on FB, she took a long walk on a trail full of sharp pointy gravel and also on scorching hot pavement at noon. |
Posted by: DG2001 Nov 23 2016, 06:17 PM |
More recent photos of Yuditza, for those who appreciate them: |