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City-feet members' message board > Barefoot memories&impressions > City Feet, Toes-In-Action, Barefoot Urban Girls

Posted by: barefootfootseeker May 29 2020, 10:29 PM
Hello! Since shifter and The Feetosopher have encouraged me, I propose a comparison among the paysites about barefooting that I have joined so far.
Naturally these are my personal opinions. I will be happy if someone who has different views reports them here. I consider only the aspects that are most important for me when I have to decide if I should join a paysite about barefooting: 1) models 2) video gallery 3) picture sets 4) price/quality ratio.

What is important for me is that a site offers a variety of models that suit my tastes. I have to like their faces, their body, their feet and the way they dress. City Feet, Toes-In-Action and Barefoot Urban Girls all have many girls that I like. However, while girls that suit my tastes have become less frequent on City Feet and Toes-In-Action, the models of Barefoot Urban Girls have rarely disappointed me since the launch of the site.
Toes-In-Action has proposed few classic German beauties and few ethnic beauties in the last years, and has specialised in alternative girls. It is really a shame, because Toes-In-Action had the best selection of models till 4-5 years ago. Most of the new alternative girls on Toes-In-Action have great feet, but I often do not like their faces, bodies and clothes.
The main issue that I have had with most of the new models on City Feet is that I do not like their faces, even if they usually have great feet, sexy bodies and are always well-dressed. But City Feet launched so many fantastic models till 2-3 years ago.
The feet of Barefoot Urban Girls models are often nothing special, but most of them have great faces and sexy bodies, and they are the most stylish (in my opinion). I also know most of the places where they walk barefoot: some of them are really dirty and dangerous, with drunk people pissing, dog's poo, broken bottles, etc. It is exciting for me to see very beautiful and elegant girls walking barefoot in those places. This will probably not work for people who are not Italian like me, of course. The only defect of Barefoot Urban Girls is that it offers very few exotic models.
My ranking for MODELS is: 1) Barefoot Urban Girls 2) City Feet 3) Toes-In-Action.

I look for variety, quantity, quality (definition) and length.
No site can beat City Feet video gallery for these aspects, even if Barefoot Urban Girls has built a good video gallery over the years. City Feet videos are the best for me, without any doubt. I do not think that I have to explain why.
However, videos in the Barefoot Lifestyle series of Barefoot Urban Girls are great to watch especially if you are Italian: you see familiar places, and hearing Amelie, Swains or Fenice when they talk and laugh about their dirty feet with The Feetosopher in your native language gives you a special thrill. Reading English subtitles is not the same thing. For me, the main defect of Barefoot Urban Girls videos is that they are a bit static. The Feetosopher never follows his models when they walk: this is his videomaking style and he certainly has a very personal style, but for me this is a pity.
A Subscription to Toes-In-Action offers very limited quality video content. Hal sells his best videos on his clips4sale stores, but I am not into buying videos separately. And as I have said, I do not like most of his recent models.
My ranking for VIDEOS is: 1) City Feet 2) Barefoot Urban Girls 3) Toes-In-Action.

I look for variety, quantity, and artistic quality of pictures.
City Feet and Toes-In-Action cannot be beaten for quantity, and City Feet also offers great variety.
The only defect that I can find for City Feet is that the locations do not mean much to me, because I have never been to Russia.
The main downside of Toes-In-Action is that the locations tend to be always the same. It seems that Hal very rarely moves out of his city.
Barefoot Urban Girls has much fewer pictures because it has been online for much less time, but offers the greatest variety, especially of locations. Updates from the Barefoot Urban Girls European Tours are unique. It is exciting to see Chat Noir, Red-X, Eyluh travel abroad for days without shoes. Hal does not hold sessions abroad, and Paul has sadly ceased to do that since a long time. What a pity. I loved City Feet barefoot trips to India, Egypt, etc. I also miss a lot its Barefoot Trips to Russian Towns series.
Coming to artistic quality, Paul, Hal and The Feetosopher have different styles, but I think that they are all very good photographers. For me Hal is the best in taking close-ups of tops and he is the most inventive; Paul takes the best action shots; The Feetosopher takes the best sole shots and the best posed full figure pictures, and he is very good at putting his models in scenic landscapes.
For PICTURE SETS I have a slight preference for City Feet and Toes-In-Action because of quantity, but I really like the artistic quality and variety of picture sets on Barefoot Urban Girls.

If you can pay nearly 40 dollars each month, I think that City Feet offers the best price/quality ratio.
If you cannot do that (now I cannot, unfortunately), Barefoot Urban Girls offers many good picture sets and many HD videos for less than 12 dollars per month.
For around the same fee, Toes-In-Action offers more picture sets, but much fewer videos.
My ranking for PRICE/QUALITY RATIO is: 1) City Feet 2) Barefoot Urban Girls 3) Toes-In-Action.

One last thing. I think that City Feet, Toes-In-Action and Barefoot Urban Girls are very different from each other. If I had enough money, I would subscribe to all the three sites. I used to do that in he past, now I cannot.

I would be happy to read your thoughts now. Good night.

Posted by: Feetosopher May 30 2020, 08:36 AM
Woah, you did it! Great! I believe that this is the most interesting post that I have read in this forum!
You provided the kind of feedback that any vendor would like to get.. well done barefootfootseeker, bravo! smile.gif

Just some comments from my side.. it is pretty obvious that I will not argue about your preferences! wink.gif

I am glad that you have ranked my models on top.. however, this is the most subjective aspect of the four you mentioned.
If you dig alt-style barefoot beauties, for instance, BUG has not so much to offer. As for ethnic beauties on BUG.. I have always tried my best to get some!
Yet it is very difficult to get them in Italy. Girls of African ancestry are often reluctant to pose for adult sites, and this is a no-no for muslim girls.
I have only managed to get Zhara and Perlanera so far.. I hope that I will be able to get some more, but this is no easy task! sad.gif
You are right also about my models' feet. I select models based on faces and overall looks, not on the beauty of their feet.
The reason is simple: I cannot shoot a girl whose face I do not like. So you will NEVER see a girl with great feet and a so-so face on BUG..
differently from what you see on TIA or CF.. in my opinion, at least.

As for videos.. well, any attentive observer can see that I have chosen to offer what TIA does not offer.. and what CF does not offer anymore.. smile.gif
My BAREFOOT URBAN GIRLS EUROPEAN TOURS and my "Barefoot Lifestyle" series have been conceived exactly to fill the void left by
the discontinuation of Pavel's trips abroad, and of his Barefoot Trips to Russian Towns series.
As for my videomaking style.. yes, I have stated it several times.. I HATE CHASING MODELS when they walk! biggrin.gif
I am a photographer, and indeed I have a photographic approach to videomaking. However, I try to make my videos as lively as possible
by combining different scenes filmed in different locations together. And as you rightly noticed, my models TALK with me in the videos.
TIA and CF models do not talk that much with Hal or Pavel.

Picture sets.. about quantity, I can only say that I am close to the 14,000 pictures mark on BUG. Not so bad a milestone to reach in less than 7 years.
And yes.. I am a sole man, and my main artistic references are glamour photographers of the 50s, 60s and 70s.. like Bunny Yeager or Angelo Frontoni.
I love taking posed full-figure pictures, and I do love putting my models in scenic landscapes.. luckily we have plenty of them in Italy! wink.gif

Price/quality ratio.. well, you have revealed my basic strategy.. attracting customers that cannot afford CF's fee..
and offering something that TIA does not offer - a good HD video gallery of barefooting videos - for a slightly cheaper subscription fee.. smile.gif

Thank you very much again for your super-interesting review! I do hope that the more knowledgeable forum members will leave their comments! smile.gif

Posted by: barefootfootseeker May 30 2020, 09:58 AM
Ciao Feetosopher, thank you! I am very happy that you read and commented my post. Yesterday night I could not take sleep, so I decided to write it. You have forgot the two Japanese girls on Barefoot Urban Girls. I prefer Moko Moko to Himeko. As I said, I enjoy your videos a lot. And since I am Italian, I love the places that your models visit. I hope that you will feature some new material with Swains this year. Have a good weekend, ciao!

Posted by: bfwatcher May 30 2020, 10:24 AM
Hey barefootfootseeker, your analysis is wonderful. I really enjoyed reading about what you make of the three major sites. Youīve asked for comments. Here we go then:

1. Models
Iīm a big fan of CF but when it comes to models, my rating would be as follows: BUG, TIA, CF. There are several reasons for that. Feetosopher works mainly with grown up women and seeing Amelie for instance, is always a fantastic experience. Halīs models are a bit different but the more I check out his content the more I like their, well, German sexappeal. They all look so healthy, strong and sporty that you never doubt their ability to spend so much time in their bare feet only. What bothers me a bit about CF girls is that Paul works with many girls who look too young (Daria, Daria, Yana, Kristina, Alexandra...). On the other hand, it might be an asset too, because again who goes barefoot in public - the young and crazy, but I definitely prefer models in their thirties. As for beauty, no probs. I remember that I was disaponted only once (CF Nina but when I decided to have a look at her series a few years later, I changed my mind. Frankly, thereīs nothing wrong with her either.

2. Videos
This one is easy: CF, TIA, BUG. Paul offers the best option in terms of quality, length, easy access and frequency of updates. I also like his policy to show whole series in a relatively short time. Thus I know that by the end of July Iīll have seen the whole Alenaīs adventure. With TIA and BUG it would take way longer. Apart from that CF videos match my taste best because they offer dynamic content. Paulīs girls walk, go shopping, travel by train, have a coffee in cafes, etc. and they do it in all kinds of weather virtualy all year round. Again, the other two sites lag behind a bit in this respect.

3. Picture sets
Well, for me photos arenīt that important. I always prefer the video content to pictures. In fact, I usually check out just a few closeups of each new girlīs feet to see what the tops and bottoms look like and then go streight to the video. This being said, I should add that I like Feetosopherīs photography. His work makes me slow down a bit, look at a photo more closely and contemplate the atmosphere and erotic charge provided by the barefoot stunner in the middle of the scene. My ranking then? BUG first, CF and TIA second.

4. Price/ Quality ratio
If I had enough money I would go for all three sites + Chilly Feet, Barefoot Street and Barefoot Snow. Sadly, itīs not the case. Although I have paid for the content of CF, TIA, BUG and Chilly Feet and know first hand that I like what they offer, I stick to my CF membership only. In spite of the issues Iīve mentiond here, in spite of the fact that there arenīt regular encore sets, that there arenīt any shod friends anymore and that there arenīt any formally dressed models, City Feet is a site which I enjoy far more than the other two. So 1. CF, 2. TIA, 3 BUG.

Cheers! wink.gif

Posted by: barefootfootseeker May 30 2020, 11:09 AM
Hello bfwatcher, thank you for your detailed comment! I have some points to make.

I am probably more difficult to please than you about faces. For instance, I find that Nina of City Feet is unattractive, just like the recent Inessa Anastasiya or Nastya and Diana (defective teeth). Probably I spot more defects because I spend a lot of time looking at pictures, too, while you said that you do not care about pictures.

Videos: what Toes-In-Action videos are you talking about? I was not talking about the videos that you buy separately from Hal's store. I was talking about the videos that you can enjoy as a subscriber to the site. And Toes-In-Action released just one video for subscribers in the last three years: Jennifer (videoclip 8:02 min) on 13.04.2020. Check it by yourself: To buy from Hal's store a number of videos equal to the ones released for subscribers by Barefoot Urban Girls in the same period you have to spend hundreds of dollars. If you have time you can downolad the entire video gallery of Barefoot Urban Girls with a one-month subscription for just 11.95 dollars. There is simply no match in my view, at least if you also have to look at expenditure.

Price/quality ratio. If you do not care about pictures, why do you rate Toes-In-Action better than Barefoot Urban Girls? I cannot understand, sorry. With a subscription to Toes-In-Action you mostly get thousands of pictures and only a few videos. With a subscription to Barefoot Urban Girls you get thousands of pictures and a good video gallery.

Posted by: Feetosopher May 30 2020, 01:22 PM
Woahhh!!! What a bonanza of super-interesting feedback!!! Fantastic!!! smile.gif

Posted by: Feetosopher May 30 2020, 01:35 PM
QUOTE (bfwatcher @ May 30 2020, 10:24 AM)
1. Models
Iīm a big fan of CF but when it comes to models, my rating would be as follows: BUG, TIA, CF. There are several reasons for that. Feetosopher works mainly with grown up women and seeing Amelie for instance, is always a fantastic experience. (...)

2. Videos
This one is easy: CF, TIA, BUG. Paul offers the best option in terms of quality, length, easy access and frequency of updates. I also like his policy to show whole series in a relatively short time. Thus I know that by the end of July Iīll have seen the whole Alenaīs adventure. With TIA and BUG it would take way longer. Apart from that CF videos match my taste best because they offer dynamic content. Paulīs girls walk, go shopping, travel by train, have a coffee in cafes, etc. and they do it in all kinds of weather virtualy all year round. Again, the other two sites lag behind a bit in this respect.

3. Picture sets
(...) I should add that I like Feetosopherīs photography. His work makes me slow down a bit, look at a photo more closely and contemplate the atmosphere and erotic charge provided by the barefoot stunner in the middle of the scene. My ranking then? BUG first, CF and TIA second.

4. Price/ Quality ratio
(...) 1. CF, 2. TIA, 3 BUG

Hello bfwatcher, and thank you so much from my side for this fantastic review! smile.gif
Not that I did not know your tastes at all before reading it (you state them very clearly in plenty of posts here in the forum wink.gif ), but you added a lot
of super-interesting considerations here! smile.gif

I am very happy that you rank BUG first for its model roster and for the quality of my pictures.. thank you very much! wub.gif

Yet your feedback on videos and price/quality ratio deffo caught me off-guard!
I mean, I know well that you are not exactly a fan of my approach to videomaking.. but reading that you would basically trade
the entire video gallery at BUG for ONE single 8 min. clip released on TIA since September 2017.. caused a ground-level drop in my jaws!!!
Do you really think that my videos are that lousy??? huh.gif

Posted by: Feetosopher May 30 2020, 01:44 PM
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ May 30 2020, 11:09 AM)
If you have time you can downolad the entire video gallery of Barefoot Urban Girls with a one-month subscription for just 11.95 dollars.

You have picked the main shortcoming of my competitive strategy, barefootfootseeker.. you must deffo be a smart dude.. wink.gif
Indeed the most annoying thing for me are dudes subscribing for one month every 2-3 years.. and spending entire weekends
to pillage my picture and video galleries.. dry.gif I DO hope that you are not one of them.. tongue.gif

Posted by: bfwatcher May 30 2020, 02:07 PM
Sorry about the TIA confusion. In my post I was talking about the content Hal sells via his site as well as separately. My rating of the Price/ Quality Ratio category was thus based on for me the key feature: feet in action, and CF as well as TIA simply provide more vids of this kind than BUG. Sorry again I failed to get my point across more clearly. wink.gif

And you are right, barefootfootseeker, BUG does provide wonderful videos especially from the newest "barefoot lifestyle" series, and yes, you can download them all during your one month membership, but Feetosopher was complaining here about such practices a few week ago and now Iīm afraid to do it! wink.gif

Posted by: bfwatcher May 30 2020, 02:10 PM
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ May 30 2020, 01:44 PM)
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ May 30 2020, 11:09 AM)
If you have time you can downolad the entire video gallery of Barefoot Urban Girls with a one-month subscription for just 11.95 dollars.

You have picked the main shortcoming of my competitive strategy, barefootfootseeker.. you must deffo be a smart dude.. wink.gif
Indeed the most annoying thing for me are dudes subscribing for one month every 2-3 years.. and spending entire weekends
to pillage my picture and video galleries.. dry.gif I DO hope that you are not one of them.. tongue.gif

See, barefootfootseeker? I didnīt make it up! wink.gif

Posted by: Feetosopher May 30 2020, 04:24 PM
QUOTE (bfwatcher @ May 30 2020, 02:07 PM)
Sorry about the TIA confusion. In my post I was talking about the content Hal sells via his site as well as separately. My rating of the Price/ Quality Ratio category was thus based on for me the key feature: feet in action, and CF as well as TIA simply provide more vids of this kind than BUG. Sorry again I failed to get my point across more clearly.  wink.gif

And you are right, barefootfootseeker, BUG does provide wonderful videos especially from the newest "barefoot lifestyle" series, and yes, you can download them all during your one month membership, but Feetosopher was complaining here about such practices a few week ago and now Iīm afraid to do it!  wink.gif

Whew.. I am relieved about the videos then.. well, kind of.. biggrin.gif Thank you for the clarification, bfwatcher! wink.gif

Let's be clear: subscribing to a paysite for one month to download the entire content is a perfectly legitimate behaviour.
However, such "predatory approach" provides little (if any) support to the site's development. Faithful or at least frequent subscribers provide that.
Take my dear friend gb62da: he has been a subscriber to both BUG and BN for seven years in a row.. each month!
Without subscribers like him, you would not have got the BUG and BN European Tours, the many models who debuted on both sites after 2014,
the "Barefoot Lifestyle" series, etc. I would have probably been forced to feed updates with archive material only, to quit everything in 2-3 years.
Not an exciting scenario, huh?

@barefootfootseeker: I have discussed with my dear friend SWAINS about upcoming shootings. She is fully available to pose barefoot for me
in the countryside.. barefooting in the city is too dangerous, at least for the moment. She has a very busy agenda on her regular job, but we
will try our best to arrange for at least one shooting this summer.. hopefully two! So.. fingers crossed! wink.gif

Posted by: barefootfootseeker May 31 2020, 07:45 AM
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ May 30 2020, 04:24 PM)
@barefootfootseeker: I have discussed with my dear friend SWAINS about upcoming shootings. She is fully available to pose barefoot for me
in the countryside.. barefooting in the city is too dangerous, at least for the moment. She has a very busy agenda on her regular job, but we
will try our best to arrange for at least one shooting this summer.. hopefully two! So.. fingers crossed! wink.gif

Thank you Feetosopher, I really hope that you and Swains will work together this summer. I like pictures and videos made in the countryside a lot. I live in a small country village close to Rovigo, actually.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker May 31 2020, 07:50 AM
QUOTE (bfwatcher @ May 30 2020, 02:07 PM)
And you are right, barefootfootseeker, BUG does provide wonderful videos especially from the newest "barefoot lifestyle" series, and yes, you can download them all during your one month membership, but Feetosopher was complaining here about such practices a few week ago and now Iīm afraid to do it! wink.gif

Even if I have not subscribed to Barefoot Urban Girls each month since its launch, I have joined the site quite often, bfwatcher. So I am not one of those guys. But like The Feetosopher said, it is not illegal to join a site for just a month to download all the content. And it is a fact that no other barefooting site offers all the content that Barefoot Urban Girls offers (pictures and videos) for just 11.95 dollars.

Posted by: Feetosopher May 31 2020, 10:03 AM
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ May 31 2020, 07:45 AM)
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ May 30 2020, 04:24 PM)
@barefootfootseeker: I have discussed with my dear friend SWAINS about upcoming shootings. She is fully available to pose barefoot for me
in the countryside.. barefooting in the city is too dangerous, at least for the moment. She has a very busy agenda on her regular job, but we
will try our best to arrange for at least one shooting this summer.. hopefully two! So.. fingers crossed! wink.gif

Thank you Feetosopher, I really hope that you and Swains will work together this summer. I like pictures and videos made in the countryside a lot. I live in a small country village close to Rovigo, actually.

Well, if you like shootings in the countryside, you might enjoy today's update at BUG, starring AMELIE in an abandoned farmyard near Bologna.. wink.gif
I have checked the data you provided.. I am really glad that you have joined BUG so often.. thank you very much indeed! smile.gif

Posted by: Feetosopher May 31 2020, 10:08 AM
To be honest guys.. I find it frankly upsetting that I was the only dude besides bfwatcher to comment in this very interesting thread.
Are barefootfootseeker and bfwatcher the only folks here that have checked all the three sites at least once? I would be surprised, but it might well be.
Or maybe it is just a sign of the times.. exchanging ideas is just a waste of energies.. that can better be spent lurking on Instagram or YouTube for free stuff.

Posted by: bfwatcher May 31 2020, 02:41 PM
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ May 31 2020, 07:50 AM)
QUOTE (bfwatcher @ May 30 2020, 02:07 PM)
And you are right, barefootfootseeker, BUG does provide wonderful videos especially from the newest "barefoot lifestyle" series, and yes, you can download them all during your one month membership, but Feetosopher was complaining here about such practices a few week ago and now Iīm afraid to do it!  wink.gif

Even if I have not subscribed to Barefoot Urban Girls each month since its launch, I have joined the site quite often, bfwatcher. So I am not one of those guys. But like The Feetosopher said, it is not illegal to join a site for just a month to download all the content. And it is a fact that no other barefooting site offers all the content that Barefoot Urban Girls offers (pictures and videos) for just 11.95 dollars.

OK. I see your point. wink.gif

Posted by: gb62da May 31 2020, 02:42 PM
This is a very interesting topic. Many years ago I subscribed both to TIA and CF. And it was on TIA where I discovered pictures being special. Both regarding the girls/women and the style. I found out, this where guest pictures from The Feetosopher. I liked his pictures most from the very beginning. And his models!

So I was very excited and happy when he decided to open his own site(s). Even more happy, as he offered one specific niche, neither TIA nor CF offered: barefoot nudity. There were some few nudes in CF, but BN was top class and exactly what I was always looking for and never found elsewhere.

I know, not all TIA/CF/BUG fans love BN, but for me, the combination of BUG and BN was unique. And still is, even with BN not updating at the moment.

So taking BN into account, for me the order is BUG/BN, CF and TIA. With CF and TIA close to each other and CF in front mainly because of the vids being part of the regular subscription (at least they used to be).

For sure, I'm not neutral... as I know The Feetosopher in person and as a friend and luckily some of his charming models, too... but maybe this is a chicken-egg-situation. I searched him because of his great pictures. And luckily found him... wink.gif


Posted by: bfwatcher May 31 2020, 02:51 PM
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ May 30 2020, 04:24 PM)
QUOTE (bfwatcher @ May 30 2020, 02:07 PM)
Sorry about the TIA confusion. In my post I was talking about the content Hal sells via his site as well as separately. My rating of the Price/ Quality Ratio category was thus based on for me the key feature: feet in action, and CF as well as TIA simply provide more vids of this kind than BUG. Sorry again I failed to get my point across more clearly.  wink.gif

And you are right, barefootfootseeker, BUG does provide wonderful videos especially from the newest "barefoot lifestyle" series, and yes, you can download them all during your one month membership, but Feetosopher was complaining here about such practices a few week ago and now Iīm afraid to do it!  wink.gif

Whew.. I am relieved about the videos then.. well, kind of.. biggrin.gif Thank you for the clarification, bfwatcher! wink.gif

Let's be clear: subscribing to a paysite for one month to download the entire content is a perfectly legitimate behaviour.
However, such "predatory approach" provides little (if any) support to the site's development. Faithful or at least frequent subscribers provide that.
Take my dear friend gb62da: he has been a subscriber to both BUG and BN for seven years in a row.. each month!
Without subscribers like him, you would not have got the BUG and BN European Tours, the many models who debuted on both sites after 2014,
the "Barefoot Lifestyle" series, etc. I would have probably been forced to feed updates with archive material only, to quit everything in 2-3 years.
Not an exciting scenario, huh?

@barefootfootseeker: I have discussed with my dear friend SWAINS about upcoming shootings. She is fully available to pose barefoot for me
in the countryside.. barefooting in the city is too dangerous, at least for the moment. She has a very busy agenda on her regular job, but we
will try our best to arrange for at least one shooting this summer.. hopefully two! So.. fingers crossed! wink.gif

Yes, I understand. I even believe that customers should support their favourite sites as much as they can. If I had that much money to spare, Iīd sure do it. Unfortunately, now I can afford to help CF only...

Posted by: Feetosopher Jun 1 2020, 08:04 AM
QUOTE (bfwatcher @ May 31 2020, 02:51 PM)
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ May 30 2020, 04:24 PM)
QUOTE (bfwatcher @ May 30 2020, 02:07 PM)
Sorry about the TIA confusion. In my post I was talking about the content Hal sells via his site as well as separately. My rating of the Price/ Quality Ratio category was thus based on for me the key feature: feet in action, and CF as well as TIA simply provide more vids of this kind than BUG. Sorry again I failed to get my point across more clearly.  wink.gif

And you are right, barefootfootseeker, BUG does provide wonderful videos especially from the newest "barefoot lifestyle" series, and yes, you can download them all during your one month membership, but Feetosopher was complaining here about such practices a few week ago and now Iīm afraid to do it!  wink.gif

Whew.. I am relieved about the videos then.. well, kind of.. biggrin.gif Thank you for the clarification, bfwatcher! wink.gif

Let's be clear: subscribing to a paysite for one month to download the entire content is a perfectly legitimate behaviour.
However, such "predatory approach" provides little (if any) support to the site's development. Faithful or at least frequent subscribers provide that.
Take my dear friend gb62da: he has been a subscriber to both BUG and BN for seven years in a row.. each month!
Without subscribers like him, you would not have got the BUG and BN European Tours, the many models who debuted on both sites after 2014,
the "Barefoot Lifestyle" series, etc. I would have probably been forced to feed updates with archive material only, to quit everything in 2-3 years.
Not an exciting scenario, huh?

@barefootfootseeker: I have discussed with my dear friend SWAINS about upcoming shootings. She is fully available to pose barefoot for me
in the countryside.. barefooting in the city is too dangerous, at least for the moment. She has a very busy agenda on her regular job, but we
will try our best to arrange for at least one shooting this summer.. hopefully two! So.. fingers crossed! wink.gif

Yes, I understand. I even believe that customers should support their favourite sites as much as they can. If I had that much money to spare, Iīd sure do it. Unfortunately, now I can afford to help CF only...

No need at all for you to justify your choices, bfwatcher! I fully understand them! smile.gif

When resources are scarce, it is wise to allocate them to our priorities. And since possible disappearance of City Feet from the scene would
very negatively affect the quality of your leisure time, it is wise from your side to support is as much as possible!
Even though I hope that you would not be happy about possible disappearance of BAREFOOT URBAN GIRLS from the scene, I also guess that you
would cope with that much better than with possible CF's disappearance.. for the simple reason that CF suits much better your tastes.

That said, I think that you have been providing significant support also to BUG, and I am grateful to you for that! smile.gif
You have bothered to subscribe to BUG at least once to assess it "first hand".. contrary to some dudes here that despise/ignore it without having tested it!
And you systematically thank me for my updates here, adding very cool comments.. contrary to most dudes here that totally ignore my posts.

So I can only say.. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT, BFWATCHER! smile.gif

Posted by: Feetosopher Jun 1 2020, 08:18 AM
QUOTE (gb62da @ May 31 2020, 02:42 PM)
This is a very interesting topic. Many years ago I subscribed both to TIA and CF. And it was on TIA where I discovered pictures being special. Both regarding the girls/women and the style. I found out, this where guest pictures from The Feetosopher. I liked his pictures most from the very beginning. And his models!

So I was very excited and happy when he decided to open his own site(s). Even more happy, as he offered one specific niche, neither TIA nor CF offered: barefoot nudity. There were some few nudes in CF, but BN was top class and exactly what I was always looking for and never found elsewhere.

I know, not all TIA/CF/BUG fans love BN, but for me, the combination of BUG and BN was unique. And still is, even with BN not updating at the moment.

So taking BN into account, for me the order is BUG/BN, CF and TIA. With CF and TIA close to each other and CF in front mainly because of the vids being part of the regular subscription (at least they used to be).

For sure, I'm not neutral... as I know The Feetosopher in person and as a friend and luckily some of his charming models, too... but maybe this is a chicken-egg-situation. I searched him because of his great pictures. And luckily found him...  wink.gif


Amico! smile.gif Indeed.. we were ultra-lucky to.. find each other! smile.gif

You and Hal are the two persons I will forever be most grateful to for your invaluable contributions to make the dreams of my lifetime true..
those dreams have been online for over 6 years now.. and! smile.gif

I did not know that you also subscribed to CF in the past, so your intervention in the favour of BUG/BN here has been a wonderful surprise!
Thank you very much for publicly stating your (well known, to me! wink.gif ) preference for BUG/BN! smile.gif

You put it right, imho.. for anyone who is also into nudity, the option should be a winner!
For just 25.95 dollars per month, you can enjoy nearly 30,000 nude & non-nude pictures, and SEVERAL HOURS of nude and non-nude HD VIDEOS! cool.gif

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Jun 1 2020, 10:11 AM
QUOTE (bfwatcher @ May 31 2020, 02:41 PM)
QUOTE (barefootfootseeker @ May 31 2020, 07:50 AM)
QUOTE (bfwatcher @ May 30 2020, 02:07 PM)
And you are right, barefootfootseeker, BUG does provide wonderful videos especially from the newest "barefoot lifestyle" series, and yes, you can download them all during your one month membership, but Feetosopher was complaining here about such practices a few week ago and now Iīm afraid to do it!  wink.gif

Even if I have not subscribed to Barefoot Urban Girls each month since its launch, I have joined the site quite often, bfwatcher. So I am not one of those guys. But like The Feetosopher said, it is not illegal to join a site for just a month to download all the content. And it is a fact that no other barefooting site offers all the content that Barefoot Urban Girls offers (pictures and videos) for just 11.95 dollars.

OK. I see your point. wink.gif

I am glad, thank you.

Posted by: barefootfootseeker Jun 1 2020, 10:15 AM
QUOTE (gb62da @ May 31 2020, 02:42 PM)
This is a very interesting topic. Many years ago I subscribed both to TIA and CF. And it was on TIA where I discovered pictures being special. Both regarding the girls/women and the style. I found out, this where guest pictures from The Feetosopher. I liked his pictures most from the very beginning. And his models!

So I was very excited and happy when he decided to open his own site(s). Even more happy, as he offered one specific niche, neither TIA nor CF offered: barefoot nudity. There were some few nudes in CF, but BN was top class and exactly what I was always looking for and never found elsewhere.

I know, not all TIA/CF/BUG fans love BN, but for me, the combination of BUG and BN was unique. And still is, even with BN not updating at the moment.

So taking BN into account, for me the order is BUG/BN, CF and TIA. With CF and TIA close to each other and CF in front mainly because of the vids being part of the regular subscription (at least they used to be).

For sure, I'm not neutral... as I know The Feetosopher in person and as a friend and luckily some of his charming models, too... but maybe this is a chicken-egg-situation. I searched him because of his great pictures. And luckily found him... wink.gif


Hello, thank you for your comment! You are the German photographer that collaborates with The Feetosopher, correct? I like very much the pictures tha you post here:
I completely agree with you about the combination netween Barefoot Nudity and Barefoot Urban Girls. It is unique. I hope that The Feetosopher will start updating Barefoot Nudity again one day.

Posted by: gb62da Jun 1 2020, 12:37 PM
Yes, thats correct! I cooperated several times with The Feetosopher and some of his great models. It was always a pleasure and great fun! wink.gif

And thank you so much for your appreciation! I'm happy you know my deviantart gallery. Maybe you will have a look into my flickr account, too? You will find even more hot stuff there... biggrin.gif
(same user name).

Have fun!


Posted by: gb62da Jun 1 2020, 12:42 PM
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Jun 1 2020, 08:18 AM)
Amico! smile.gif Indeed.. we were ultra-lucky to.. find each other! smile.gif

You and Hal are the two persons I will forever be most grateful to for your invaluable contributions to make the dreams of my lifetime true..
those dreams have been online for over 6 years now.. and! smile.gif

I did not know that you also subscribed to CF in the past, so your intervention in the favour of BUG/BN here has been a wonderful surprise!
Thank you very much for publicly stating your (well known, to me! wink.gif ) preference for BUG/BN! smile.gif

You put it right, imho.. for anyone who is also into nudity, the option should be a winner!
For just 25.95 dollars per month, you can enjoy nearly 30,000 nude & non-nude pictures, and SEVERAL HOURS of nude and non-nude HD VIDEOS! cool.gif

Yes, all who don't know these sites will miss something extraordinary!!!

Posted by: Feetosopher Jun 1 2020, 09:05 PM
QUOTE (gb62da @ Jun 1 2020, 12:42 PM)
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Jun 1 2020, 08:18 AM)
Amico! smile.gif Indeed.. we were ultra-lucky to.. find each other! smile.gif

You and Hal are the two persons I will forever be most grateful to for your invaluable contributions to make the dreams of my lifetime true..
those dreams have been online for over 6 years now.. and! smile.gif

I did not know that you also subscribed to CF in the past, so your intervention in the favour of BUG/BN here has been a wonderful surprise!
Thank you very much for publicly stating your (well known, to me! wink.gif ) preference for BUG/BN! smile.gif

You put it right, imho.. for anyone who is also into nudity, the option should be a winner!
For just 25.95 dollars per month, you can enjoy nearly 30,000 nude & non-nude pictures, and SEVERAL HOURS of nude and non-nude HD VIDEOS! cool.gif

Yes, all who don't know these sites will miss something extraordinary!!!

Indeed, amico!!! wink.gif

Posted by: bfwatcher Jun 2 2020, 03:58 PM
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Jun 1 2020, 08:04 AM)
QUOTE (bfwatcher @ May 31 2020, 02:51 PM)
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ May 30 2020, 04:24 PM)
QUOTE (bfwatcher @ May 30 2020, 02:07 PM)
Sorry about the TIA confusion. In my post I was talking about the content Hal sells via his site as well as separately. My rating of the Price/ Quality Ratio category was thus based on for me the key feature: feet in action, and CF as well as TIA simply provide more vids of this kind than BUG. Sorry again I failed to get my point across more clearly.  wink.gif

And you are right, barefootfootseeker, BUG does provide wonderful videos especially from the newest "barefoot lifestyle" series, and yes, you can download them all during your one month membership, but Feetosopher was complaining here about such practices a few week ago and now Iīm afraid to do it!  wink.gif

Whew.. I am relieved about the videos then.. well, kind of.. biggrin.gif Thank you for the clarification, bfwatcher! wink.gif

Let's be clear: subscribing to a paysite for one month to download the entire content is a perfectly legitimate behaviour.
However, such "predatory approach" provides little (if any) support to the site's development. Faithful or at least frequent subscribers provide that.
Take my dear friend gb62da: he has been a subscriber to both BUG and BN for seven years in a row.. each month!
Without subscribers like him, you would not have got the BUG and BN European Tours, the many models who debuted on both sites after 2014,
the "Barefoot Lifestyle" series, etc. I would have probably been forced to feed updates with archive material only, to quit everything in 2-3 years.
Not an exciting scenario, huh?

@barefootfootseeker: I have discussed with my dear friend SWAINS about upcoming shootings. She is fully available to pose barefoot for me
in the countryside.. barefooting in the city is too dangerous, at least for the moment. She has a very busy agenda on her regular job, but we
will try our best to arrange for at least one shooting this summer.. hopefully two! So.. fingers crossed! wink.gif

Yes, I understand. I even believe that customers should support their favourite sites as much as they can. If I had that much money to spare, Iīd sure do it. Unfortunately, now I can afford to help CF only...

No need at all for you to justify your choices, bfwatcher! I fully understand them! smile.gif

When resources are scarce, it is wise to allocate them to our priorities. And since possible disappearance of City Feet from the scene would
very negatively affect the quality of your leisure time, it is wise from your side to support is as much as possible!
Even though I hope that you would not be happy about possible disappearance of BAREFOOT URBAN GIRLS from the scene, I also guess that you
would cope with that much better than with possible CF's disappearance.. for the simple reason that CF suits much better your tastes.

That said, I think that you have been providing significant support also to BUG, and I am grateful to you for that! smile.gif
You have bothered to subscribe to BUG at least once to assess it "first hand".. contrary to some dudes here that despise/ignore it without having tested it!
And you systematically thank me for my updates here, adding very cool comments.. contrary to most dudes here that totally ignore my posts.

So I can only say.. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT, BFWATCHER! smile.gif

Thanks for your kind words. wink.gif

Itīs always my pleasure to add a line or two about the material you post here. The very top quality you share with us doesnīt deserve to be ignored only because you tend to capture the result (dirty feet) while Iīm more into the process (walking feet) so to speak. wink.gif

Long live BUG and its chatty owner! smile.gif

Posted by: Feetosopher Jun 2 2020, 08:43 PM
QUOTE (bfwatcher @ Jun 2 2020, 03:58 PM)
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ Jun 1 2020, 08:04 AM)
QUOTE (bfwatcher @ May 31 2020, 02:51 PM)
QUOTE (Feetosopher @ May 30 2020, 04:24 PM)
QUOTE (bfwatcher @ May 30 2020, 02:07 PM)
Sorry about the TIA confusion. In my post I was talking about the content Hal sells via his site as well as separately. My rating of the Price/ Quality Ratio category was thus based on for me the key feature: feet in action, and CF as well as TIA simply provide more vids of this kind than BUG. Sorry again I failed to get my point across more clearly.  wink.gif

And you are right, barefootfootseeker, BUG does provide wonderful videos especially from the newest "barefoot lifestyle" series, and yes, you can download them all during your one month membership, but Feetosopher was complaining here about such practices a few week ago and now Iīm afraid to do it!  wink.gif

Whew.. I am relieved about the videos then.. well, kind of.. biggrin.gif Thank you for the clarification, bfwatcher! wink.gif

Let's be clear: subscribing to a paysite for one month to download the entire content is a perfectly legitimate behaviour.
However, such "predatory approach" provides little (if any) support to the site's development. Faithful or at least frequent subscribers provide that.
Take my dear friend gb62da: he has been a subscriber to both BUG and BN for seven years in a row.. each month!
Without subscribers like him, you would not have got the BUG and BN European Tours, the many models who debuted on both sites after 2014,
the "Barefoot Lifestyle" series, etc. I would have probably been forced to feed updates with archive material only, to quit everything in 2-3 years.
Not an exciting scenario, huh?

@barefootfootseeker: I have discussed with my dear friend SWAINS about upcoming shootings. She is fully available to pose barefoot for me
in the countryside.. barefooting in the city is too dangerous, at least for the moment. She has a very busy agenda on her regular job, but we
will try our best to arrange for at least one shooting this summer.. hopefully two! So.. fingers crossed! wink.gif

Yes, I understand. I even believe that customers should support their favourite sites as much as they can. If I had that much money to spare, Iīd sure do it. Unfortunately, now I can afford to help CF only...

No need at all for you to justify your choices, bfwatcher! I fully understand them! smile.gif

When resources are scarce, it is wise to allocate them to our priorities. And since possible disappearance of City Feet from the scene would
very negatively affect the quality of your leisure time, it is wise from your side to support is as much as possible!
Even though I hope that you would not be happy about possible disappearance of BAREFOOT URBAN GIRLS from the scene, I also guess that you
would cope with that much better than with possible CF's disappearance.. for the simple reason that CF suits much better your tastes.

That said, I think that you have been providing significant support also to BUG, and I am grateful to you for that! smile.gif
You have bothered to subscribe to BUG at least once to assess it "first hand".. contrary to some dudes here that despise/ignore it without having tested it!
And you systematically thank me for my updates here, adding very cool comments.. contrary to most dudes here that totally ignore my posts.

So I can only say.. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT, BFWATCHER! smile.gif

Thanks for your kind words. wink.gif

Itīs always my pleasure to add a line or two about the material you post here. The very top quality you share with us doesnīt deserve to be ignored only because you tend to capture the result (dirty feet) while Iīm more into the process (walking feet) so to speak. wink.gif

Long live BUG and its chatty owner! smile.gif

smile.gif a very effective synthesis, I'd say! smile.gif Yet do keep in mind that the relatively scarce "barefooting action" in my videos.. is caused more by the
limited skills of the videomaker (myself biggrin.gif ).. than by lack of interest from my side for the magic of bare female feet in motion on the road.. wink.gif

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